Some Things Change

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I walk into school and go to my locker, alone. Dawon throws me a bone and lets me sit with him at lunch but since Kennedy is there, I feel the same way as if I were alone. I sat there silently, picking at the salad Dawon bought me.

"Remember what I said," Dawon whispers to me halfway through lunch. Kennedy looks at us with an attitude, wondering what he said and probably wondering why I'm here. He's right though, I need to stop moping around because Josh obviously isn't. I decide to be Carli again. My world does not revolve around Josh. I'm always a happy person and I'm going to go back to that.

"You're right," I tell him and I get up, leaving them. I go find some girl friends and sit with them. "Hey guys," I say sitting down. "Wow, we haven't seen you in forever. No Josh today?" One of my friends, Jada, says. "No Josh ever. We're done, whatever 'we' were," I tell her sadly, wanting to change the subject. "Why?" she asks, of course. She's always been nosy as fuck.

"I don't really wanna talk about it. I really just want to forget about him and the whole thing," I tell her. "Yeah, sure. Did you go to that party the other night?" She asks me, putting my mind back on Josh. Great. "Yeah, did you?"

"Yeah, I remember that a little too vividly."

"What do you mean?" I ask, concerned. "Nothing serious. I almost had sex with Jason Sanchez," she tells me, with a disgusted look on her face. I've kind of missed talking to her. Between Josh and Dawon, I really did have time for any girl talks. "Is that a bad thing??" I ask her, laughing. "Jason Sanchez has probably slept with every girl in this lunch room, I don't know what he got." I laugh hysterically. "Hey Jade, there's a lot of people in here, you wanna just come over tonight and talk?" Though she's nosy, she's a good listener and she'll never tell your business.

"OH EM GEE, of course I will. I haven't been over there in forever! Your dads probably don't even remember me," she replies. "Of course they remember you, you're a hard person to forget." We talk for the rest of lunch until the bell rings.

"It was really nice talking to you again Carli. I'll see you tonight," Jada tells me, getting up and leaving the cafeteria. Dawon walks over to me. "Jada, huh? Josh has turned you against boys?" He asks. "What does that even mean? And please do not mention the devil's name in my presence."

"Nothing. I'll see you tonight?" He asks. "Um, no. Jada is coming over." He gives me a look but says ok and walks away. After school I rush home so I can get a nap in before Jada comes over. After taking the best nap I've probably ever taken, I order a pizza. My phone rings and I look at it, Jada's name flashing across the screen. I answer, "hello?"

"Hey, boo. I'm outside," she tells me. I say okay, and open the door for her. "Hey girl!" she practically screams and hugs me. "Hey!" I yell back and shut the door behind her. We go up to my room and sit on the bed. "So, tell me what happened with Josh!"

"Girl he is fucking nuts. He got drunk at the party so I let him spend the night at my house and then he start flipping asking when are we gone be more," I tell her, getting mad all over again.

"He's not 'fucking nuts', he just wants to fucking nut! You still ain't let him fuck??"

"No! I was going to, I just needed some time but since he can't wait for me than he isn't someone I want to be with," I say. It's really just that simple. Ugh, I start getting mad again and want to cry. But, I refuse to cry in front of Jada, or any one for that matter.

"Aw bitch that's so sweet! I wish I would've been thinking like you instead of losing my virginity to that nigga Ronald. We was goals like you and Josh but he flipped on me too. Damn, that shit is crazy," she says. I nod, not knowing what exactly to say. The door bell rings. "Oh, that must be the pizza. Let me go grab that."

I go downstairs and pay for the pizza. I come upstairs with it and into my room. When I get there, I find a naked Jada. I gasp and drop the pizza. I might be blind now. "Jada, what the fuck??" I scream. "What?" she asks. Is she seriously confused??

"Why are you naked??" I scream. "I thought this was why you wanted me to come over!"

"No!" I scream in disgust. "Damn," she mumbles and I guess gets dressed because a few short moments later she's scurrying past me fully dressed. I can't shake the image of her naked body out of my mind, I may be scarred for life. I pull out my phone text Dawon.

Me: you will never guess what just happened to me😖

A few minutes later, he replies.

Bestfriend😛👫💞 : Jada hit on you?

Me: More like got naked. But, how'd you know?

Bestfriend😛👫💞: I know everything

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 04, 2015 ⏰

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