Chapter Six

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   Life throws you troubles, but it gives you chances to redo our mistakes. Peter has shown me the light in things. My family has shown me the darkness. I'm surviving through it so far. But not for much longer. After school, I was accompanied at home by my therapist. She was supposed to help, but she didn't. My life never gets better, it just gets worse. One person can change you, but many people can scar you. More than a few have scared me. I'm afraid I won't be able to take much more of this. No one is helping. Life throws you troubles, yes, but for me, there's nothing fixing the mistakes my family makes.

   Bzz Bzz. My phone rings. I answer my phone. Before I can say anything someone says, "We are never coming back to our house. Nobody cares about you and no one ever will. Hated being your sister, bye forever!" Its was Alexis's voice. My throat is closed. I can't take in any breath. I don't understand. I scream.

   I fall to the floor. I hit my head but I don't faint. I cry loudly and ferociously. Life threw me more troubles, but now I'm an orphan. Alexis was right, no one cares for a person like me. Nobody wants people like me in there life's. I can't be here anymore. Nobody will care if I'm gone. 

  I run out the door. The only thing with me is my phone. I run away from my house, with no destination. The only thing on my mind is my mom. I thought she cared for me, but she lied to me and Peter. What if Peter was lying to me the whole time as well? 

  The sun is starting to set when I reach the beach. I'm exhausted but I know, if I don't do it now, I won't do it ever. But I can't take another step. I fall to the ground and hit my head. I whimper softly. In the distance, I hear loud noises. It's the beach party for all the tenth graders. Peter had told me he was going to be there.

  When I look around me, I see the lights of the party very close, but far enough for the sound to be muffled by distance. I feel a pain in my hands when I put pressure on them. I look at them and see them bleeding. Not a little, though. They are bleeding so much that it leaves a stain on the sand. I get up slowly and head to the water to clean them off. I wince as I put them in the water. 

   To my left I hear some voices. I look in the direction and see Andrew, Peter's best friend, walking beside Peter. Andrew see's me looking at them and points to me. I look away and continue washing my hands. Out of the corner of my eye, I see Peter jogging towards me.

  "I didn't expect to see you here," he says, without noticing the blood in the water.

  "I hadn't expect to come here either." I say breathlessly. 

  "Oh my god, what happened to your hands?" he asks, finally noticing the blood. I shake my head.

  "I had clenched my fists a little too hard, but I'm fine so you should continue with Andrew and I'll act like I never existed..."

  "What? Somethings not right. Why do you want to act like you never existed?" he inquires. There is a fire that's lit in me and I can't take it anymore.

  "I WANT TO DISAPPEAR, PETER. MY FAMILY HAS ALREADY DONE THAT, WHY CAN'T YOU DO THAT TOO?" I yell, I stand up fully and continue. "I want to be gone from existence Peter. Why can't you let me go? Nobody wants me here, and I don't care. I hate myself, I want to be dead..." I start turning around to runaway from him, but he puts his arms around me, just like how my dad did. "LET ME GO, PETER!" I look at him briefly. He looks at me teary-eyed. I calm my breathing.

   He puts his forehead to mine. His breaths are short and stutter a little. He whispers in my ear, "I care about to much to let you go. We were always together as kids. I know you don't remember, but I do. You are to important and fragile. When I told you that you were my candle that never extinguishes, I wasn't lying to you." He pulls his lips close to mine, and tells me something else. "I want to help you in every way I can. What can I do to help you?"

  "Be my everything. I have no family. No more brothers or sisters. Not even a mom or dad. Be the person I care for. The person I..." I choke on the words, "... the person I love." I look into his eyes as I say those last words. He presses his lips to mine. I put my hand on his neck and twirl a piece of his hair. He pulls me even closer to him.

  His kiss made me feel comforted and loved. I kissed him back only because I wanted to. Maybe life has a plan for him and I. No matter what I will always be his and he will be mine, I hope. He makes me feel spirited...

Once again!

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