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     Riza and Roy cleaned out their little bowls after Roy's fancy surprise dinner. Both were exhausted, and they decided to sleep. They didn't know how long they would be stuck there, so they decided that in he morning, they would build a boat to sail. Riza had a compass so they would try to sail to the newly annexed island to complete the job and call for a boat home from there. Roy and Riza crawled into their tents for the night, and it wasn't even 5 minutes before they heard heavy rain begin to fall.
     " Time to test these tents stability." Riza mumbled. She hoped she had made it strong enough. Before long she was in a deep sleep.
     Riza awoke when it was still dark out. She rolled over multiple times and attempted to go back to sleep but it was to no success. She couldn't fall back asleep. She had Roy on her mind. She thought how much she loved his devotion and personality even though he was lazy more than half the time.
     Roy also was laying in silence in his tent, thinking about how much he loved Riza. She was strong and could fight for herself. And she was probably he most loyal person he had ever met in his entire life. Hardworking and dedicated. He stopped his thoughts with a shaking head. He couldn't feel this way... Yes he could if he kept them to himself.  Was he in love with Riza Hawkeye??

     Roy crawled out of his tent and saw that the waves were flat despite the storm they had last night. He saw that some trees had fallen from the wind. He didn't have enough energy to move very far, so he just grabbed bananas for breakfast. He laid them out on the table and looked to see them at the sun was rising. He crawled back into his tent and collapsed, back to sleep.
     Riza heard Roy go back to sleep so she exited. She wanted to surprise Roy and build a nice boat. She began carving wood and cutting vines and leaves for the sails and base. Roy woke up when she had the skeleton complete. He crawled out of his tent to a surprise that the boat looked amazing.
     " It's not even raining anymore and I still feel useless." He commented.
     " Sorry sir. You snooze you lose. I don't mind doing the work I really don't sir."
     " I'll help." Roy said picking up his knife and beginning to carve.
     The two worked in silence for a while. When the boat was complete they stepped back to admire their work.
     " I'm actually gonna miss this little island." Roy commented.
     Riza nodded in agreement.
     " Well leave tomorrow at sunrise. Tonight, it's our last night. What do you say we explore tonight?" Roy offered.
    " Yes. That sounds like a brilliant idea. I'm going to go for a swim." Riza said wiping a bead of sweat from her forehead. She took off her belt, and untucked her still neatly tucked black V-neck. She took off her V-neck to reveal a black camisole underneath. She then opened her little bag to reveal differ shorts which she went into her tent and changed into.
     Riza then began to wade into the water.
     " Mind if I swim a little too?" Roy asked.
     " Sure thing."
     Roy took off his T- Shirt and changed from his jeans into his shorts. He spotted a rock outcropping that looked like a diving board. He climbed up and cannon balled into the ocean. Riza laughed and swam over. They began to splash each other like children. Laughing and smiling, they forgot they were on a deserted island.
     All of a sudden, they heard a loud buzzing. They looked up and to their surprise, they saw a helicopter flying above them. It landed and Roy and Riza raced out of the water and back onto the sandy shore. The helicopter turned off, and a person stepped out of it.
     Roy and Riza thought maybe it was one of their friends from central but they were dead wrong. The figure turned around and revealed himself as Envy the Homunculus.
     Riza grabbed her bag from her tent and threw everything she had in it which wasn't much. Roy put on his alchemy gloves but Envy was already in action. He splashed ocean water on his gloves so they wouldnt spark.
     " Colonel! RUN!" Riza screamed.
     Riza began rapidly firing at Envy.
     " HAHA! Stupid humans!!! I honestly can't believe you're both still alive! And with this fancy set up too!" Envy laughed as he sent his arm extending and destroying their tents and entire set up. 
     " Lieutenant!" Roy called from the forests entrance.
     " GO! " she called.
     Roy hesitated before turning and running. He stopped when he heard Riza scream but he forced himself to keep going.
     " HAHA! FINALLY! I get the chance to turn you into a rag doll and throw you at the colonels feet!" Envy laughed maniacally.

I ran deeper and deeper into the forest when I finally saw a clearing. I thought I heard a helicopter but I figured it was envy's. Turns out, in the cleaning I saw a second helicopter- this one with our friends in it!
     " ROY! We came to save you from this island! We've been searching for days! But where's Lieutenant Hawkeye ?" Furry asked.
     " We had a whole 5 star camping set up... And Riza made it all. And we had really nice food! And Envy came and destroyed it all... And he's got Hawkeye!" I started coughing.
     " Calm down Colonel."  Breda assured him.
     " Lead the way." Hughes said.
     I ran back to camp and was horrified by what I saw.


I sighed in relief as soon as I saw Roy run into the forest.  I kept shooting but I ran it of bullets and Envy still wasn't dead. I wasn't sure how many lived he had left either.  All of a sudden I felt his long green arm wrap around me and slam me onto the ground. He gagged me, and tied me to a nearby palm tree. He then proceeded to cut me with out knives and laugh as I tried not to cry or scream out. He whipped me with his arm and threw the burning firewood at me. Then I saw Roy come out of the clearing, with the whole Central Squad behind him. They had given him a towel and he snapped at Envy. One shot was all it took. Envy ran back to his helicopter and sped away screaming curses at me and Roy.

     Roy sprinted over to Riza the whole Central Squad behind him. He untied her and held her in his arms. Riza was barely conscious but enough to understand that they were finally going home. On the helicopter, they treated her wounds. She leaned up and smiled when they were alone.
     " That was quite the adventure Riza." He laughed a little.
     " Yes sir." She said smiling weakly. She then sat up straight and her lips touched his gently. Deep into the kiss, they finally pulled away, out of breath.
     " I love you..." They both said at the same time.


The island that Roy and Riza were stranded on was only a few minutes away from the newly annexed one. This time, they made it there and negotiated the new laws. The natives were quite fond of Roy and Riza.
The island that they were stranded on also became a hot vacation camping spot. It was rich in fruits and berries and spices and animal for easy to make meals for visiting campers. Of course a hotel was also build and a few beach houses but not much nature was harmed.
And Roy and Riza began secretly dating and would often visit that island. Which was appropriately named " Lovers Bonding Island."


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