Hospital bed

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I wake up with a bad headache and a throbbing around my ankle I don't even want to open my eyes to see it. Tears fall down my face, what is happening to me? To my life? I feel so alone and lost I'm confused about everything and I don't know what I want anymore.

I just broke my fucking leg for Damon the man who left me and our baby alone because he thought it was best with out talking to me about it. The man that I loved with everything in me. Why am I doing all of this for him still? Why go through the trouble and pain?...... Because your still in love with him I say in my head. I feel a hand on my cheek and jump my eyes flash open.


No lie I thought it would've been Damon, my heart feels dead and I can't even pretend to look happy to see him, sobs burst out of me wildly.

A nurse comes and asks him to leave and I'm left alone crying to myself, how pathetic am i?





They sent me home today still alone my leg is in a cast and I feel so depressed. I struggle upstairs and set myself at my window and get to work.

"Hey guys I'm sorry for my absence I'm back now and now more playlist unless you all vote for it. Ill be taking request again start calling."

I let the phone ring for a bit then answer it,

"Hello? What would you like to listen too?"

"Princess of china by Coldplay"

That would be the fucking song! What ever I play it and turn my stereo off and wait for the song to end. If this is what my day consist of is assholes asking for those songs I'm done. I look over at my lawn the grass looks dead due to the coolness of the air. My most loneliest seasons I had when I lost the baby, seems this ones going to be lonelier.

I hear a knock on my door, fucking GREAT!!!! I can feel tears pricking my eyes I just let them flow out I don't care anymore. The knocks on the door become louder and quicker,

"Hold the FUCK on!!!!!"

I say between sobs and pain, this better be important and it BETTER not be Damon! When I finally reach the bottom of the stairs I open the door and see him. I shut the door in his face at the sight of Damon, he opens it back up as I start going up the stairs.

"Get OUT!!!!!"

I feel strong arms lift me swiftly like a feather I try and fight him off I even punch him but it didn't faze him what so ever.

"Where's your room?"

"Fuck off!!!!"

My face is soaked in tears, he looks in every room and theirs 6 and he finally finds it. He sits me on the bed and goes to my computer and messes with it.

"What are you doing!?!?"


That's all he says I wait for him to finish my eyes are closed but I'm still crying. I feel his hand on my knee electric volts shoot up my leg and my crying becomes panic.

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