The Story of Us Meeting

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AN: Okay, so.. I don't know if I like this or not, I just wanted to see if my writing skills were as terrible as I thought they were gonna be. I wanted to try write something, and I had this in my head for a while.. But it's my first time writing, so don't laugh, or laugh, whatever. Also, I may or may not have other story ideas that I might write..maybe, who knows. I don't even know.

Well, I apologize for any misspelled words or grammar mistakes. And just mistakes in general. Keep in mind that this is my first time writing.

Enjoy! (:

*Lauren's POV*

"Mama, can you tell me a story?"

"Sure, princess, which one?" I asked.

"The one when you and mommy met!" My wife and I's four-and-a-half year old daughter replied.

"Alright, sweetheart. Lay down and I'll tell you," I told her, and she obliged.

She crawled under the blankets, and moved around to get comfortable, then excitedly said, mostly yelled, "I'm ready!" with a toothy smile.

When I was about to start telling the story, her smile dropped, as she let out a little gasp.

"What's wrong?"

"I almost forgot Mr. Snuggles!" she said worriedly, then jumped up from the bed.

She ran to get her stuffed koala bear where she had left it before. She then ran back, jumped in the bed, and wiggled around to get comfortable again.

"Now I'm ready!"

I giggled at her cuteness and ruffled her hair, "you sure? Are you comfy enough?"

"Yes, now start the story! Please, mama?!"

"Okay, okay," I said to my very impatient daughter. I thought about the day my wife and I first met, it felt as if it were yesterday. "I was eight-teen years old. I had been very stressed and exhausted for a while. And I needed to get some coffee to help me through the rest of the day, since I hadn't been getting much sleep, so I had gone to a coffee shop to get some coffee, of course, and I had just gotten my order-

"Lauren!" I heard the barista call and I walked to the counter to grab my order. Finally! I've been waiting forever, I thought. As I walked I felt as if someone was starting at me.

I grabbed my order and just as I turned around I bumped into someone, spilling my scalding hot coffee all over both of us, making us yelp in pain.

"Who was it? Was it mommy?"

"Now, if you hadn't interrupted, you would know, wouldn't you munchkin?" I asked with an eyebrow raised.

"I'm sorry" she said in embarrassment.

I smiled, "Apology accepted. Now, on with the story-

"Oh my god! I am so sorry! I should've watched where I was going!" I said frantically, whilst trying to wipe the spilt drink off of their shirt with a napkin that I had grabbed.

"It's alright, it was my fault, I wasn't looking where I was going too" the man replied, sounding a bit..amused? I looked up at his face, he was about early to mid twenties, and he looked as if he was holding in a smile.

"No it's not, I got coffee all over you. I'm soo sorry!" I said, still trying to get the coffee out.

"It's fine. Really."

"No, I'm-

"Seriously, it's alright. Mistakes happen, it could've happened to anyone."

The Story of Us ~ Lauren/you [On Hiatus...]Where stories live. Discover now