The Story of Us Suprised

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AN: Hey there! Here's the next chapter for you! (:
Also, for those of you who haven't realized, though I'm pretty sure all you have, but I'll say it anyway, this is a g!p fic, 'g!p you' to be more specific. And I forgot to mention last chapter that I'm not sure if I'll write any smut..because I don't think I'll be good at it and I don't know if I'm comfortable with it..but I can try if y'all want..I don't know. Maybe.

Anyway, sorry for any mistakes.
Enjoy! (:
*Lauren's POV*
"Babe?" my wife mumbled. We were laying on our bed, getting ready to sleep and our daughter was sleeping already.

It's a few days before her birthday, I can't believe my baby girl's turning six! Time sure flies.

We were cuddling, as per usual - her arms around me; one stroking my, (now, pretty big) belly, the other massaging my back, sometimes tangling in my hair to play with it, or down to my thigh to rub there too. One of my hands were on her abs drawing little circles and other patters with my finger and our legs entwined, both of us in our underwear.

Don't ask me how we are still able to lay like this, with my huge baby bump and whatnot, I don't even think it's supposed to be possible, but..somehow we managed to make it happen.

"Hmm?" I hummed in response.

"Do you remember how, when you were going into labour with Lu, I was terribly nervous and anxious? and that I had no idea what to do or how to help and you had to tell me what to do?" she questioned, seeming a bit worried, which made me concerned.

I turned my head to look up at her, finding her already looking at me, then answering, "yeah," scrunching my eyebrows a bit, knowing something was bothering her so I asked softly, "what's wrong?"

"It's just- I don't know- what if- uh" she stumbled over her words.

"What is it, babe?" I inquired.

"D-do you think I'm gonna be like that again? I mean, do you think I'm going to freak out, be horrible at everything, and be little to no help at all?"

"Hey," I said softly, grabbing her hand that was caressing my baby bump and interlocking our fingers together, letting them rest on my belly, "you weren't horrible. Well, you did freak out when I first went into labour, but you were fine after a while," I stroked the back of her hand with my thumb, "You did great, especially after Lu was born. You were amazing and you looked so cute with her."

"I'm not cute," she frowned, "You always say I'm cute, but I'm not. I'm cool! And tough!" She said, pouting.

"Aww," I cooed, while pinching her cheeks. Her cheeks tinted red a bit.

She huffed, "stoooop."

"Okay, okay," I giggled, "but you were cute with Lu when she was born. Holding her so gently as if she can break easily, like she was made of glass and one touch would shatter her into pieces. And the way you looked at her, you looked at her with so much love in your eyes. You, just holding her and admiring her with adoration, was very adorable." I said, smiling.

I started to remember the day, everything about it was fresh in my memory.

I had just woken up from a nap, and as I got up to go to the bathroom, my water broke and I just blanked; I didn't know what to do, I didn't even know how to react.

The Story of Us ~ Lauren/you [On Hiatus...]Where stories live. Discover now