The Story of Us Baby

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AN: Okay, I just wanted to give y'all a little something, well because I'm awesome ;) jk lol, I suck.
Sorry it took long, there are a few reasons for that actually, but the main one is that I'm terrible at thinking of how the story should go..Also, I need names, I've tried to think of some, but none of the one's I've thought of really seem fitting to me..If you'd like feel free to leave suggestions, comment some names. It'd really help me out. Thanks! Anyway, sorry for my rambling, on with the story!

Sorry for any mistakes.
Enjoy! (:

*Lauren's POV*
"Mommy, when's Mama gonna have baby?" I overheard my almost-six-year-old daughter ask my wife.

It's after dinner and my wife and daughter were in the living room watching cartoons. I was just going to walk in when I heard them start talking. I stopped at the doorway to listen.

"Soon, sweetie, are you excited?" Y/N asked.

"Yes!" she squealed, "how soon?!" I smiled at her excitement.

"Very soon. You're gonna be a great big sister you know?"

"Yeah! I'm gonna help Mama with the baby, and play with him, and share my toys too!" Our little nugget said excitedly.

"Oh, are you?" Y/N asked.

"Yeah, I'm gonna share all my toys and teddies with him."

"Really? All of them, even Mr. Snuggles?" she asked skeptically.

"Oh. Uh, m-maybe not him though." I giggled quietly, she's so attached to her koala stuffy, it's very precious to her.

I heard Y/N chuckle at our daughter as well. "You know, I remember when you were in Mama's tummy too."

"You do?" she sounded fascinated.

"Yeah, I remember you moving around in her tummy, and thinking of a name for you," she started to list things off, "and reading to you, talking to you, singing to you, and I remember finding out that you were in Mama's tummy."


"Yes, munchkin?" My wife inquired and I smiled, already knowing what she was about to ask.

"Can you tell me a story?" Yep, she just loves hearing stories, especially if it's about us, the story of us.

"Alright, what story do you want to hear?"

"One when I was in Mama's tummy!" She replied.

"Okay. Let me think.. Oh! Well, when you were in Mama's tummy I was just about nineteen," We were pretty young when we had her. I was nineteen-twenty and Y/N was just about to turn nineteen. To say we were surprised would be an understatement, but we didn't love her any less just because she wasn't planned. "We didn't know you were in her tummy for a while. Your Mama said she was so scared to tell me, scared that I was gonna be mad or sad-

I spaced out, remembering when I found out and told her. The memory of it is so vivid, even after how many years.

It was around 10 in the morning on a Saturday. I was in my room, pacing back and forth, waiting. Waiting for the tests. Waiting to see if it's true, if it's positive, to see if my assumptions were correct.

The Story of Us ~ Lauren/you [On Hiatus...]Where stories live. Discover now