Mornings and bitchfaces

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Deans p.o.v

8:00 AM

I wake up to the sound of my broken alarm clock *meeeeeeeeerrrrr* *meeeeeeeeerrrrr* *meeeeeeeeerrrrr* I groan as I proceed to tell it to shut the fuck up and throw it against the wall like I do every morning. Come to think of it that's probably why it's broken.

I force my legs to the side of the bed and rub my eyes. I get up and practically sleepwalk to Sam's room and yell


Sam rolls over and flips me off.

"Well if you're gonna be like that." I say walking out of his room into my own.

Shit. My cheerleading stuff is still wet. Ahhh, fuck it, it will dry at some point, hopefully.

What the best thing about cheerleading is the fact that everyone's over it that I'm a guy and I cheerlead and how supportive Sammy is. That or that I get to stare at all the guys when they're playing in their tight ass pants. Especially Castiel.

By 8:30 we are both fed, dressed and ready for school. Shit, my phone.

"I'll be 1 minute." I say to Sam.

When I get back downstairs I can feel Sam's bitchface stare into my soul.

"Yeah. Can we go now."

"You know Sam I have never known anyone other than you who would rather die than be late for school." I smirk

He rolls his eyes at me and off to school we go.

My cheerleader (destiel highschool AU)Where stories live. Discover now