Secrets and showers

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Deans P.O.V


1:43 PM

We are in the broom closet once again.

"Do you know how hot you are in my clothes?" I shake my head

"Very." He says slightly towering over me.

"Have you told anyone about us?"

"Only Sam."

"Ok, I think I wanna start telling people."



"Ok. Only if you're ready"

The bell rings

"Bye babe." I tell him and leave.


After practice, everyone is giggling and talking. Ok, what the fuck? I wanna be involved too.

"Hey what's up?"

"Well, I found out that Castiel Novak guy did some dude for a bet but Joel didn't say who it was so we're just trying to figure out which guy in the school is the biggest slut." Oh my god. That isn't true. No, it can't be. That's not Cas. He was probably lying to me this whole time just to win a bet. Oh my god I feel like crying, but I have to hold it back otherwise everyone will know it was me.

"How much was the bet for?"

"Like 20 bucks I think." I'm worth 20 bucks.

I start walking out to the parking lot by myself. I'm such a fucking slut. I hate myself. Why would anyone ever be interested in me I'm disgusting. What was I thinking? Of course, he didn't want to tell anyone. I see Sam propped up against the car texting someone.

"Hey." I say quietly to him holding back tears.

"Hi what's up?" He asks with worry in his voice.

"Just not feeling too great that's all."

"Oh. Ok, I need you to drop me off at Jess's house. I'm staying with her for a couple of days while her parents are out of town."

"Ok." The rest of the car journey is silence with Sam giving me directions every now and then.

"Bye Dean. Hope you're feeling better."

"Thanks. Bye."

I drive home feeling my whole world fall apart piece by piece. When I get home I lean against the front door and breathe. Then I remember the last time I was up against a door and I can't hold it in any longer and I let it all out. I start uncontrollably crying. I hate myself.

I go upstairs and to the bathroom and I take off everything but my boxers and Cas' shirt. It smells of him. Wait a minute. Why do I hate myself? I should hate him. I do hate him. I rip off his shirt and curl up into a ball and just cry and cry and cry.


9:45 AM

I wake up. Still in the shower. Ew, my skin has gone all weird and my eyes sting from so much crying. I look in the mirror. Oh no. I have hickeys on my neck. I look down, there are more all down my torso. Oh, my god, he's marked me. I can't get him off my body. I feel like such a whore. I am such a whore. I get in my bed despite me being wet and I start uncontrollably crying. All I want right now is to be in his arms. But also as far away from them as possible.


Today Sam has convinced me to go to school despite all of the missed calls and unread texts from Cas. I just sit in my car not wanting to go in. I force myself out of baby and go to my first lesson. I have English today. I'd rather die.


Ok, English we can do this. I sit down in my seat and I can feel Cas staring at me. Stop it. Stop it. Stop it.

"Hey. Where have you been this week."

"What do you come here every day or something?"

"Dean, are you ok?"

"Yes, I'm tip top, perfect, amazing because do you know how refreshing it is to find out that someone you thought really cared about you was just hanging out with you and pretending to like you for a bet." He looks horrified and stays silent not knowing what to say.

In a matter of seconds, Lisa is asking me why I have hickeys again and I feel Cas staring at me. I finally snap.

"BECAUSE I'M A FUCKING SLUT OK. I'M A WHORE AND I'M WORTH 20  FUCKING DOLLARS. HAPPY?" I shout in Lisa's face and everyone goes quiet. Ok fuck this I'm rage quitting.

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