Phone numbers and dates

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Cas's P.O.V

 ~Monday 8:00 AM~

I wake up. I knew today would suck. Wait I have English. Yes. I get my shit together for school and shout into an empty house.

"I'm going to school now. Love you BYE."


In English, again I don't know why I'm so fucking nervous but I am. I pass Dean my number. After a couple of minutes which feels like a couple of years he hands it back to me and I flip it over and there's a number on it. It feels like the massive weight I always have on my shoulders had been taken off them. Dean likes me back.

After a moment of silence, some girls on the cheerleading squad asks Dean why there are like two bruises on his neck. He blushes and comes up with some half arsed excuse. I smile to myself. It was really hot. And cute and funny. I do really think I'm falling for Dean.

At the end of English, he pulls me into another broom closet.

"So is this our meeting place in school or what?" He laughs but he covers his mouth so no one hears us. I love making him do that.

"No, I just wanted to talk to you somewhere quiet." Fuck. What did I do?

"I was wondering if you wanted to tell people about us. I honestly don't care if it's yes or no." I look down and feel really guilty. Why do I feel so guilty? I shouldn't give a fuck.

He holds my face in his hands and looks me in the eyes the Winchester way.

"It's ok. I understand. We don't have to tell." He says with a reassuring smile.

I can't help it any longer and we start making out again but this time I don't pin him up against the wall. He keeps his hands on my face. It's very calming when he does that. He pulls away from the kiss and just stares into my eyes and studies my face. I don't know why though. There's really not a lot to it.

"Come to my house tonight at 8:30. I'm doing the date this time." He says then walks out of the closet without looking back. Fuck he's hot when he does that.

When I leave the closet I see Charlie and tell her everything about Dean but not how I feel. She hits me when I tell her it's a bet.

"You asshole. I can't believe you are going through with this. All though. You are so much happier which is nice to see."

"I guess I haven't noticed."

"Well to me Cas it sounds like you are falling for Winchester and hard." I blush

"What. No, I'm not."

"Cas you spent like a full five minutes talking about how cute he was when he was sleeping. Anyways I've got science now. Bye bitch."

God, I hate it when she's right. I decided to go home a lesson early today. I need to think or sleep or both.


~8:35 PM~

I arrive at Deans house, again shitting myself. Is this gonna happen every time because I can't figure out if I love it or if I hate it. Dean opens the door and he's wearing yet another plaid shirt but this time it's buttoned down so you can see the top of his high chest tattoo that was covered on our last date that looks like a giraffe. I wonder the story behind that.

I step in and he says

"Ok, I wasn't as prepared as you so I don't have a tie but you need to close your eyes." I laugh and close my eyes. He grabs my hand and takes me into a room and tells me to open my eyes.There's loads of junk food on the table as well as several movies I can't see from here but it looks like the best date I am going to have.

My cheerleader (destiel highschool AU)Where stories live. Discover now