Chapter 1

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Scarlett's POV

I've heard how my lovely alarm clock went off. How much I love him. Note the sarcasm. I've decided to just lay here in my comfy bed for a while it won't matter anyway. "Scarlett you have to get up right now or you will be late!" Just as my mum screamed that from downstairs at me, my eyes shoot open. Wait what time is it not long ago and it was 7am. I've grabbed my phone to check the time. "What?! How is it possible that it's almost 7:30am?!"
So I've rushed to the bathroom and tried my best to look acceptable since I don't have anytime left to get a shower. After I was ready I grabbed my school bag and run downstairs. "BYE MUM BYE DAD LOVE YOU!"
After I said my goodbye to my parents I run out of my house I hoped that I won't be late.
-- At school
"God what's taken you so long!" My friend Rosie almost steamed at me.
"I'm sorry but I feel asleep and then my mum woke me up after that I realised that it was already 7:30 am. I'm so sorry"
"It's okay but now we have to go otherwise we will be dead"
Just as she said we were dead our teacher Mrs.Scout well let's say she's not one of the friendly teachers. "You're both late. What's your excuse?"
"We don't have one we're sorry it won't happen again."
"Fine sit down and don't let it happen again."
Me and Rosie sat down in our seats and hoped that we will be out here as soon as possible.
-- At Lunch

"And than she said 'don't let it happen again' " At the moment my friend Rosie is telling about our, how she calls it 'adventure'.
"Damn it Mrs.Scout really can't be friendly" my other friend Michael laughs. Apparently he has red hair. Don't tell him but he will be bald.
"Hey look who is that?" My friend Michael said.
I look behind me at the door. I see a tall blonde boy he has a lip piercing and looks around probably to find a table to sit on. I get up and walk over to him.
"Hey I'm Scarlett you must be new because I never saw you here before"

"Yeah I've just moved here"

"So what's your name?"


"Uhm okay. Would you like to sit with me and my friends?"

"Yeah sure."
So I've walked to my friends and sat down again. "Guys this is Luke. Luke these are my friends."
"Hey Luke I'm Michael" he held out his hand to be polite. Luke grabbed it but he doesn't looks like he wants to. Strange.
"And I'm Rosie nice to meet you"
Something seems off with him but I don't know what. I feel like he need help but I'm not sure.

I know I know boring chapter and I'm really sorry

I can't promise you that the next one will be better but I hope so

So bye love you all 😄

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