Why Did God Create the Earth?

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These three reasons are Biblical, primary reasons why God created the earth, human beings, and life as we know it. I believe you will receive a blessing if you hold to this view, that you know why you are here and what your purpose on this earth is.

Everyone intuitively knows they have some kind of purpose on this earth, even if they don't know what it is. This purpose is God-given.. it is not the product of random-chance chemical reactions from a primordial soup as an evolutionist might contend.

1. God Wants to Make a Righteous Example in Heaven by Destroying and Exalting Himself Over Lucifer

So, God created Lucifer, but he was proud, he was rebellious, and a reprobate, so Lucifer was cast out of heaven and dragged one-third of the angels down with him using trickery. So since God created all things, He needs to find some way to enact righteous wrath on those that disobey Him and go against His will. But God's will WILL take place, because He's the Creator.

God needs to show the other angels that those who behave like Lucifer will be cast down, condemned and locked down with torment. He wants to let all beings know that what Lucifer is doing is a no-win situation, that there will be wrath for those who follow in his wake.

2. God Wants to Give a Chosen Few to His Son Jesus Forever, Those That Overcame Satan

God wants to show that what happened to Lucifer was a good thing, and to give a gift unto His Son Jesus, which is the Bride.

Now, Christians are not the Bride.. the church is not the Bride.. I don't know where this mess started but the church is not the Bride. The New Jerusalem that it said in Revelation is the Bride. The Christians are basically the crowd that are going to the wedding, but Christ did not describe us as His Bride.. he said those who do the will of God are my mothers, brothers, and sisters, He didn't say, those who do the will of God are my wives!

Anyone that says that Christians are the bride of Christ are idiots.. we are not his wives. It's New Jerusalem that is the bride. The Holy City is His bride, and the Christians are attending the wedding. And because we are in Christ, and our bodies change, we get to live with Jesus in that city forever, and that city is our wife as well.

3. God Wants to Glorify Himself and His Power

The Bible says all things are created for him and by him (Colossians 1:16). There is nothing that was created that was not created for God and by God. This means that even the people who are thrown into hell, were created for God. Now you'll ask, why would God created people to be thrown into hell for His own sake? To glorify His power.

Now you'll say, that's not loving or fair - but as I said earlier, it doesn't matter what you think. Your opinion of God doesn't matter, you're not God. The people that think God is not fair or unloving are going to hell.

But those people that say, all I have to do is repent of my sins and accept God's son as my savior? Then I'll go to heaven? Sign me up!

Those people have a shot at going to heaven.

People that say God isn't fair or unloving to send people to hell, are judging the Creator, the One who picked up dirt off the ground, blew into it, and created a human being. They are judging the Most High Being who cast Lucifer out of heaven, so that the seed of a woman could bruise his head.

Now if you are in Christ, and you are being used by God, you are literally being used as a vessel, and an instrument to wage war against Satan. That is pretty much the only reason humans exist, to destroy the works of the devil.

The son of God was manifested that He might destroy the works of the devil.. but the word "might" is just a translation, what it really means is that He WILL destroy the works of the devil.

God says and does things for His glory.. when Adam and Eve sinned and God was walking through the Garden in the cool of the day, saying Where are you Adam and Eve? I can't find you! God knew where they were and why they were hiding - He created the Garden, He knew Lucifer would tempt them.

God created us so we could be tempted, so that we could overcome the devil, and He knew we would fall, so He sent His son to die for our fallen nature, and it's all for the glory of Jesus.. everything in this universe is all for the glory of Jesus. That's why you need to accept Jesus.

Everything that happens is to exalt God over Lucifer and the proud ways of life. Everything that happens is a darn good reason, a righteous reason, because God is sitting on that throne and He controls everything. And for whatever reason Jesus was begotten, it's a good and righteous reason.

Everything that God does is good, and even if you don't think they're good in your eyes, you're dead meat if you don't heed and obey them.

So there you have it, message me if you have any questions. Be blessed in Jesus' name and have a peaceful day.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 30, 2015 ⏰

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