12. Unintended

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(Media picture of Brooklyn's home in Neveda)


I felt my heart stop and as if it'll never start again. I felt as something pricked my neck and my vision grew blurry. I pulled a needle out my neck, it was long with a orange cone at the end.

I felt my legs give out like all my other limbs, I felt my head hit the ground, because that's the only part of me I can feel.

Then a thick familiar voice encountered my ears. "Goodbye, Brooklyn."


Two days later

"Ryder, are you and Brooklyn okay?" Paris asked from Ryder continuous loops of liquor and beer.

"Nope!" He said popping the 'p', "I broke up wither, and now we're broken up. Nother peas sir."

"Cancel that drink, we're taking him home." I tell the bar guy.

"That'll be $64.37, but give me your number and you can only pay fifteen." The bar tender say. He leaned over the counter and winked at me.

"Gotta pen?" I ask, Paris slapped my behind and winked at me as she a angry Ryder to the car.

"In fact, here you go." He handed me a pen and his arm.

Take notes. I wrote slanted knowing that the ink wouldn't work, I licked the pen and began to write on his wrist. Once I finished I looked up at him and he was only looking my. I lowered my eyes to his lips and and bit my bottom one. I looked back into his eyes as they filled with hunger. I wasn't doing this to pay for Ryders stupidity, I'm actually quite fawn of this bartender. I kiss his soft lips and let go slowly. "Give me a call when you're off work." He closed his mouth and smirked at me.

"I will." He says. I smile and leave the bar. I even took a look at hid nametag, Sam.

When I got out to the car, Paris was banging her head on the steering wheel. "Where is h-" I didn't finish because Paris pointed in a direction of, Ryder making out with some street performer.

I walked up to them and pulled them apart. "What the heck Ryder!" I yell.

"Do you two know eachother?" The girl asked.

"He's my drunk brother, with a girlfriend."

"You have a girlfriend?!" I girl screeche.

"N-no. I have a fiance, but we we're not together right now." The girl kicked him and walked away.

"Monica!" He yelled.

"Its Marissa, ass hole!" She yelled as she gripped over her heel.

"Why'd you do that? I was going to have a new Brooklyn." He smiled against the the wall.

"Buddy, let's get you home, and talk about the fiance situation."


"Hey, excuse me. You're Chris, right?" The new recruit, Talia, asked me.

"Uh, ya. What cha need?" I ask her.

"Well your dad, Talif, said I was supposed to meet Brooklyn yesterday for practice, but she never showed up. Then I was supposed to meet her here a hour and a half of ago. Do you know anything?" Talia asked me.

"Ya, we can go over her house and check up on her." I waved for her to follow me as she did.

I reached in my back pocket to get my car keys to my jeep. "Nice car." Talia complimented.

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