Just Another Pregnant Teen (3)

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I decided I was not going to school today. It was too much stressed, and stress I was not ready to deal with. Amy also stayed home with me which was very nice of her. It was only like the second day of school so it wasn't like we were missing anything anyway. I just spent the day organizing my clothes and hopefully making room for the baby because it was not a lot of room for me, and I could only imagine how much my child would need.

"You sure your not mad at me for telling the world you were pregnant?" Amy asked once again as she folded my socks.

"No, Amy." I giggle, "They were going to find out anyways. Maybe the father of the baby heard you and will soon enough find me." I look up at her once she stopped and turned to me, "What?"

She huffed, "It sucks, you were too drunk to even know who was the dummy to not bring condoms to a party."

"I didn't bring condoms to a party." I hiss.

"You never do!" She shouts in annoyance and chuckle as she turned and laid back on my bed, "I always tell you to. You just laugh at me."

"I was planning to do it when I was eighteen, Amy." I respond quickly and lifted the brown short sleeve shirt. I stare at it for awhile as Amy lifted her phone and responded to the text. I quickly throw the shirt in the no pile and lifted the next one.

"Nya." Amy hissed.

I laugh and turned, "I can't take it back. So for now I will be the slut who doesn't know who the father of my baby is."

"But your not a slut!" She shouts sitting up, "You were just blacked out drunk!"

"Stop screaming!" I chuckle loudly and she shook her head.

"By the way you can not hold your liquor, girl." I roll my eyes and she goes on, "A week before you got pregnant with Daddy J you also got blacked out drunk, so drunk you were drunk the next day."

"Stop calling him that!" I shout a laugh leaving my lips as I stood up and lifted my shirt to rub my stomach.

"I will stop once we find this fool. For now its daddy J." She stood and walked out of the room. I just rolled my eyes and shook my head.

Amy was brutally honest, never really holding back even if she sees your feelings are getting hurt. It was nice, until she does it at the worst times. I mean she was right, I can not hold my liquor and I should stop drinking, but I did not need to be told that. Besides, from what I could remember I had a lot of fun and that all that matters to me. I am a such a teenager, that should not be the only thing that matters.

I take a deep breath as I walked towards the living room and looked down at Amy who was going through a box Mom had dropped off with us. I had yet to look through it but it seemed to be more kitchen supplies. I just slowly sat on the couch and sat beside her. She glanced at me then lifted the mug out of the box.

"I don't mean to be mean, or annoy you." She whispers, "I just feel bad. I am the awful friend who let her friend get drunk and get pregnant. Who knows what happened the first time you blacked out, Nya."

"It wasn't sex with a rando." I whisper and smiled, "I did not have any pain down there."

"You could have ended up in a ditch." She says and turned to me. She was really beating herself up over this. It made me sad because I never really seen Amy like this. Amy was never the serious type of girl, but right now she was which kind of scared me. Even in very serious situations she always pulled out a joke or two. She did not deal with stress, fear or sadness very well. I understood it though. Those emotions aren't positive feelings and who wants to be feeling negative.

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