Pregnant By The Bad Boy (Chapter 7)

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I exhale deeply as I stare down at the first line on the paper. I filled out all of the information and was now just left with who would be on my visiting list. I had no idea who I felt would be an okay choice to put on the list. My friends betrayed me, and so did my parents. Aaron has disappeared off the face of the earth and I doubt I will ever see Mr. Harrison again.

"Why did you call me your boyfriend?" Tom asks turning around. He had been admiring the apartment, especially the beautiful view of the lake. 

I shrugged as I watched him sit beside me. He takes a small sip of his chocolate before setting the mug on my new coffee table in front of us. I think about his question as I stare down at the blank sheet. It was five visible lines, making this a very hard choice. I mean if they are not on the list them can still come visit me, but these names they can visit me any time, even its one in the morning. These are the people they will call if I am in labor and will probably know about my baby before anyone else would. If they have a change of heart they might be the ones to enter my room when I finally meet my son or daughter. The way things went makes me want to just turn in this piece of paper just how it is; blank.

I turn to Mr. Harrison once he cleared his throat. He was looking down at a magazine which had a young family on the top. It was the newspaper for the TM which expressed all the exciting news for the week. He was on the page talking about some events that was suppose to happen this week. I came to realize I never actually answered his questions. 

"Mr. Harrison." I whisper and smiled once he turned to me, "The last thing I want to do is jeopardize your job. If they knew not only I was at my teachers house but that he came with me to this place. The school is a call away, not only would you be fired you would be seen as the teacher who slept with a student."

"You know I never found a true love or had children of my own." He begins, "As a teacher I felt like this was the closest I was going to get to helping out the future. When I seen you drop down after being so sick and still being scared to tell your parents I thought what if you were my child." I watch as he looks down at the magazine then sighed, "I want to help you as much as I can." He looks down at my paper then smiled, "You should put Aaron down. He is the father whether you like it or not and he's probably just as scared as you are. Might even come around."

I look back down at the paper then smiled writing Aaron on the first line. I lift my notecard with all of the names and numbers of everyone I knew. I write his number and his relationship to me then sighed looking down at the paper. I began to write Justine's name then sighed once adding Dad's. Mom had a power over him, I just hope he can release himself before it's to late. On the last line I wrote down Tom's name.

"Why did you put my name?" He asked confusion written all over his face.

I exhale slowly and turned to him fully, "My mother kicked me out and left me on the streets in the middle of winter." I look down, "You saved my life, Mr. Harrison." 

He smiled and looked down. We fell into a deep silence leaving us alone to be in our thoughts. I had no idea what he was thinking. I just knew for a fact he will always be remembered even if I never see him again. With that I just searched for my phone to find his number. I smile once finding it and looked at it seeing I have forty missed calls from the same number.

"That's weird." I spoke. The phone began to ring again with the same number plastered on the top. I stare at the number in confusion, knowing it was an emergency considering it called so many times. My fear rose once dad came to mind and tried to hold back the thoughts of him possibly being dead.

"Are you going to answer it?" Tom asked confused and smiled once I looked at him with fear in my eyes, "Answer it, Carly."

"Hello." I answered, the sound of crying echoed through the phone than a ladies voice,

"Hello, is this a Carly...Carly Jenkins?" The woman asked sniffing. I looked up at Tom who was looking around the room touching everything. I swear he's like a little boy at a toy store.

"Yes. This is Carly."

"Thank goodness. My name is Emily I'm Aaron's mom. Aaron was shot last night and he's been calling for you since he woke up this morning."

My heart stopped. I did have a crush on him at one point, and now I had no feelings toward him but it hurt really bad to find out Aaron could have died.

"I'm on my way!" I screamed hanging up my phone and grabbing my jacket.

"Wait, what's happening?" Tom asked following me out of the room.

"Aaron got shot last night. He's in the hospital." I informed him running out of the building. We jumped in the car and Tom sped down the road.

I sat in the car bitting on my nails and my leg moving at a rapid pace as a nervous habit. I could help but be nervous. I want my baby to be okay and at least know what his or her farther looks like. If would be even better for him or her to know it's farther. That would be a bonus.

When we got to the hospital I jumped out of the car and ran inside straight to the receptionist desk.

"Hi I'm looking for Aaron. Aaron Ryan's." I spoke. She typed something into her computer.

"Yes. He is in room 365. Are you family?" The lady asked.

"Yes. I'm his sister." I lied. She nodded and gave me a visitors sticker. I took it quickly running to the elevator.

I pressed the number to go to the third floor and waited. When the doors opened I walked out and looked around. I placed my hand on my slowly growing stomach as I looked at the waiting room. A family sat on the left, they were crying and seemed Scared and nervous. The Family on the left were more like anxious. Than there was an old couple who seemed excited.

A girl approached me, She came from the family on the left. I smiled as I recognized her from school. She was a freshman and I think was Aaron's sister.

"Hello. I'm Abby." She introduced. I looked passed her and to the family who were all look at me.

"I'm Carly." I replied. An older woman got up and quickly came to me wrapping her arms around my body.

"Hi. I'm Aaron's mother. Call me Emily." She replied a smile reaching her quivering bottom lip.

"So what happened?" I questioned.

She cleared her throat, "Aaron got shot last night. He's been asking for Carly. Saying that he needed to talk to you and make things better."

I nodded my hand gently moving across my belly, "Can I go into his room?"

"Yeah. Do you want me to come?" She asked. I shook my head and began walking down the hall.

Glancing back at Tom I mouthed a thank you. I stopped at room 365. Taking a deep breath I opened the door and I walked in. Aaron was laying on a bed in the middle of the room.

"Aaron." I spoke. He looked over at me before a smile spread across his face.

"Carly." He smiled. I smiled and sat on the edge of his bed. He sat up and looked me in the eye.

"I'm glad your okay." I whispered.

"The baby?" He asked. I grabbed his hand and placed it on my hard belly. He smiled showing white perfect teeth as he felt our baby.

"Its healthy." I whispered. He nodded and just left his hand there.

"That's great."

"Now. What happened?" I asked.

"Just some jerks wanted something I had and doesn't like when people dont give the what they want." He replied looking away. I nodded and stood up.

"I should go. I'm really tired." I smiled at him and handed him the newest picture of my baby.

"Wait!" He yelled, I turned around, "Stay with me."

I smiled and nodded. I climbed in his bed and he pulled the covers over me. I laid down on my side and he put hid hand on my belly.

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