Just Another Pregnant Teen (4)

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Today I got to see my baby. I was about twenty-three weeks pregnant, and she was very healthy. The nurse and doctors were explaining to me that she was soon to be moving if she had not started yet. It made me very nervous. Amy seemed really excited. I was just happy she was less stressed of the future and was just enjoying my baby. Mom even started giving me allowances, and Amy said that she was probably testing me. I assumed it was for food and the baby. So today after the appointment, we were going to get a few basic items the baby might need. Today made this pregnancy feel so much more real. I was less scared, but that fear was still there, just at the pit of stomach. Hopefully it stayed there for awhile. It feels nice to be happy and excited about something. My baby was healthy and so was I. Some people don't have that right so I need to be grateful.

"Ooh. This is cute." Amy pulled out a baby carriage that was blue with white and pink polka dots on it. She giggled as she looked at me. We were currently in a small thrift store. I did not want anything with fabric already connected to it. She was going to be knew on this earth and I did not want her getting sick. I needed to be cheap though, I am still not working and I am working on two hundred a week. I just got the card from my mom this morning, in the mail. It only had five hundred one it, and the note said spend it wisely, two hundred isn't going to do much.

"It is very cute. How much?" I agreed. She showed me the tab and it showed that it was over a hundred dollars, which made a frown form.

"Can we get it?" She asked jumping up and down. I chuckle and examined it. It was the cheapest car seat over here, and we have been over here for a minute. We did not need a stroller right away so I was gone save that for later. I just smiled to give her a go and she giggled as she placed it in the basket.

We moved down to the clothes. Right now I just want things we going to need right after it's born. So maybe a couple pairs of socks, some clothes and diapers. I knew those diapers were going to be hundred dollar in itself, and I still need to get groceries. Mom is really making this difficult. I really need to get a job. Make my own money, more than two hundred a week. 

"Lets look at clothes." I pulled out my calculator because I wanted to spend under a three hundred dollars today. I need to save some for her crib, that will take a huge chunk of my change, but it is something she very much needs.

"Okay. I have the calculator ready. Budget is a two-fifty. You ready?" She smiled and picked up an outfit. It was some jean pants with a baseball shirt.

"So we're shopping for a girl and boy right?" She asked. I just shrugged and looked through the racks, getting nervous as I thought of the gender. If it's a boy and I get all girl clothes I will have to re-shop and vice versa. Shopping right now is exhausting me, imagine when I am a balloon.

"Unisex." I stat and picked up a blue onesie with white letters saying 'I'm the best' in the middle. Looking at it made my heart warm as I thought about my baby being inside of it.

"Don't pick up a lot of yellow. That's too much." She said with a disgusted tone. I just laughed and went through the racks.

"Yellow is cute." I whisper looking up at her and giggled as she roller her eyes not entertaining me as she walked to the other side. 

Once we were done with shopping for clothing we got in line. We did not do much talking, but I paid no mine as I looked through the clothes Amy choose for my munchkin. She had much better taste than me. It worried me for a second, I do not want to send my daughter to school looking stupid. I might need to send her a picture every day to ask if it was a go. Thinking about that made me laugh. 

After I paid we went to the store to get a couple of grocery's and some diapers. I was scanning them, seeing all the brands and prices. These diapers are just for pooping in, why do they cost twenty dollars?

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