Just Another Pregnant Teen (19)

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I was a bit nervous brining a stranger to my home. A home that I raise my child in. I just felt like I had the ability to help her so why not. I was fortunate enough to have my mom, Amy and even Stacey. This girl had no one, of course I had my boundaries but there was nothing wrong with trying. I just hope Erick doesn't get upset with her being here, and tries to kick her out because that would really suck.

"Here hold this." I say giving Coraline the coffees then lifted my purse searching it in looks for my keys. Out of habit I dropped them inside and I have yet to clean my purses out. I had a whole bunch of random objects Aiden needs and receipts I need to throw out.

I scream out in happiness once I found them and quickly opened the door. I sit the keys and my purse on the hook then took the coffee from her hands. I exhale as I looked up at her and smiled as she stared at the photos of Aiden hanging on the wall.

"You can sit down. I'm going to change real quick." I say and smiled walking to my room to quickly get dressed. I tried my best to change in to a loose shirt and some shorts before sliding in to my house shoes.

"Holy shit!" Erick shouted reminding me that I forgot to even warn him.

"Erick! What did I tell you about cursing in the front of Aiden?" I shout a small giggle escaping my mouth as I lifted the cover from Aiden's car seat and smiled as he slept.

"Sorry. Who is this?" He questioned pulling up his hands to take off his tie.

"Coraline. Coraline this is Erick and that's Aiden." I introduce turning and lifting Aiden from the car seat. I kiss my boy and exhaled slowly looking up once Coraline spoke.

"Hey." She said shyly pulling up her hand to wave.

A small smile formed on his face as he spoke, "Hey."

"Umm." I looked around and giggled, "Erick I have a coffee for you. You are going to have to heat it up just a bit."

"Thank you, babe." He whispers before he gave me a kiss. He turned towards the room and I kiss my boy trying to wake him up some more. I missed him, and I just want to see that precious smile I love so very much.

"You can sit down." I chuckle and looked around for Aiden's blanket. When I found it I laid it on the floor then laid Aiden on top of it. A small smile spread against my face as I looked up at Erick who grabbed his cup, "How was work, Erick?"

He looked at me then glanced at Coraline and exhaled, "It was fine."

"Can you watch him?" I question looking up at Coraline then smiled once she nodded and slowly sat on the floor. I stand and smiled once Erick followed me in to the room then closed the door behind him, "I am sorry."

He chuckled and looked down, "Why didn't you warn me?"

"I forgot. I mean she was yelling at the father of the baby telling him she needed help and he just shrugs it off like it isn't nothing. Who does that to a person?"

"Are we sure she is a cool person? Not only is my son here, you are too. I don't want neither of you getting hurt." He stopped and looked at me, "What if that was us?"

"It wasn't."

"It easily could have been."

I stare at him then walked towards him. He lifted his hands on my hips and I kissed him on the forehead. He exhaled and stood up before lifting me causing a loud giggle to escape my mouth. He laughed loudly and laid me on the bed, kissing me on the lips. I stare up at him, pushing his curly hair out of his face then sighed.

"I wanna help her." I whisper slowly, "Can I?"

He nodded and smiled as he kissed me. I giggled and watched as he stood up. He grabbed a towel and smirked before walking to the bathroom. I quickly pulled out the  sheets and a pillow before sitting them on the dinning room table. I walk to Coraline and smiled as she stared at Aiden who was starring at the light on the ceiling. I had a feeling he was going to start getting fussy so I quickly turned to the room once Erick climbed out of the shower. I sit on the bed and smiled as he looked at me from his phone. 

Just Another Teen PregnancyWhere stories live. Discover now