Chapter Three

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Hey guys. I don't have much to say about this chapter besides that some drama will happen and it'll be in Lilly's POV. I don't wanna spoil it too much. 

But anyways, go ahead and read.

Lilly's POV

My freshman year of college is so far crap. My roommates don't like me. I don't have much friends yet. I'm already classified as a 'nerd' in all my classes. I've already has some guys asking me to do their homework for the year and it's only the third day. I knew college was gonna be crappy, just not this much.

"I just wish I can go home. College isn't as I imagined it." I tell Teeg, one of my friends I have here.

"Lilly, do you hear yourself right now? You still sound like you're in high school. You graduated high school five months ago. Time to grow up." Teeg answers. I met Teeg last summer at a science camp. Since then, we've kept in touch and became pretty close. 

"I know Teeg, I just really didn't expect college to be like this at all. I thought it'd be better than this. Where everyone got together. Where everyone didn't have huge problems." I whisper. When I was in third grade, the teacher decided to tell my parents I was smart enough to skip a grade. My parents gladly let me head to fourth and skip third, making me the youngest of my grade (and probably here too).

"What movies have you watched?! No college that I know of is filled with rainbows and unicorns, Lilly.  If you want to go home after this semester, go ahead. I just know that your parents will be deeply disappointed." She answers me.

"You're right. I guess I'll have to go with the flow." I flop on my bed and think of how life got so messed up. I shouldn't say 'messed up', it's more like 'my parents were too busy with work to care about me' type of life. All my parents really cared about was my grades and my education. If I almost got killed, they'd pretend that its a joke. If I broke my arm, they'd tell me not to do it again and go back to work like nothing happened. But if I got a 78% on a test, they'd ground me and cut off all my communication to my friends. What was worse that I was an only kid. 

Trying not to think of my childhood anymore, I asked Teeg about that guy in English.

"Hey Teeg?" 

"What." She answered, half asleep

"How many guys do you know that go to this college?" She sits up straight when I mention boys.

"For like, on a date?! I know the perfect guy for you! His name is-" 

"Tegan! I do not want to date any of these guys! I already told you! I just need to know because a guy insulted me in English." I interrupt her. 

"Oh, damnit. What did he look like? Give me everything you remember about him." She tells me, crossing her arms in frustration.

"Well. He was tall. He had light brown hair, almost dirty blonde. His eyes were brown-ish. He looked about sophomore age. He was very cocky. When I say cocky, I mean he's very, very, very cocky." I say with emphasis on 'very'.

"Did you not get a last name? No one told you anything about this dude?" Teeg asked me.

"Nope. No one warned me about anything or anyone." I said, popping the 'p' in 'nope'.

"What did he say?" She said while getting up and pacing.

"'Shut the eff up and go find another seat.' Is all he said." I say, absolutely failing at imitating his voice.

"Oh my god, Lillith! You're in college! You can say swear words! Fuck! Shit! Asshole! Motherfucker!" Teeg says while throwing up her arms.

"It doesn't feel right." I say sheepishly.

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