Chapter One

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Hey guys. I'm back with a new chapter. In this one I'll try to introduce the rest of the main characters. I just got done with my last day of work so I'll probably be updating more, except for next week. Next week I'll be at a camp for five days.

But anyways, go ahead and read.


Jace's POV

"Jace! You've got some mail!" Is the first thing I hear when I wake up. It's been three days since college started and I already hate it. I hate it because Dr. Wink is being an asshole it me, I haven't heard from the jobs I've applied to, and we already have two projects that have to be done in a week and Josh is sick. 

"Can you bring it up please?" I say trying to wake up. Alec walks in my room and hands me four envelopes. I really hope they are from the places I applied to. 

"Looks like you might have some jobs right there." Alec says to me. Three of the envelopes are from the places I applied to and the other is another letter from my sister. My sister is in seventh grade and writes to me every week. She was the mistake of our little family, as you can tell. I tell myself that I'll read my sisters letter later, I open the other letters. 

"Looks like I'll be working at the library and the recreational center. Thank God I didn't get that internship. I hate being an intern." I tell Alec. 

"How much are they paying you? I hope they're paying good, I don't want to get a job." He wonders. I have to say, he's horrible at getting and keeping a job. Last time he had a job he was fired for being late and always slacking off. 

"Library is giving me $15.00 an hour and recreational center is giving me $19.00 an hour. You might need to get a job, we'll see though." I answer him. He nods and leaves my room, obviously bugged. I continue to read the letters, which go a little like this;

"Dear Mr. James Baker,

We are pleased to tell you that we are hiring you for (insert hourly wage) and that we'd like you to join as soon as you can. Blah, blah, work rules, restrictions, blah, blah."

 And you probably know the rest of it goes. I fill out some last parts of the letters and get ready to bring them back to my new bosses.


After dropping off my letter at the recreational center, I head towards the library. I didn't want to take the car or my motorcycle for two reasons- I needed to think and I just was too lazy go fill either of them up with gas after I used them.

While I was waiting to cross a road, a woman around my age comes up and talks to me. She was wearing a tight black tank top (it shows way more cleavage than it needs to), black leather skinny jeans, and a pair of black stilettos, and in her hand she was carrying a black leather jacket. She seems like one of those bikers' girlfriends.

"Hey there, hotstuff. Are you free tonight?" She says, seductively with a grin.

"No," I say with a monotone voice and a plain-spoken voice. I see her face drop in disappointment.

"I'm expensive." I say with an equally seductive smirk as her grin a few moments ago. She smiles and hands me a small piece of paper that looks like it was torn off of a restaurant receipt. 

"Call me later." She whispers as she tiptoes, even though she has stilettos on. She walks off and sways her hips. Before I start to cross the street she turns around and winks at me.

I approach the library a couple minutes after I ran into the biker girl. I walk in and try to find an office of some sort. I find a man that looks like he works here and ask him where the bosses office is. He tells me to go up a flight stairs, take a left on the first hallway that I see and look for a plaque with the bosses name on it. I take his directions and find the office successfully. I knock on the door and hear a faint, "Come in!"

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