The Journey - Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

He lay in the midst of an open field, the moonlight shone brightly above his eyes, they made him feel excited and buzzing with energy but yet, the warm and muggy air still sent chills over his body, there was something troubling his mind, playing on it like an annoying itch that he could not relieve.

"We're on holiday..forget about everyone back home, it's their problem if they want to be funny with us two, but that doesn't matter, because we have each other." Amy said to him, cuddling underneath his arm, looking up to the starry sky in a dream-like state.

"You're right hun, but I still can't understand why your mum won't accept me into the family, hopefully she will in time." Peter quietly said to her, whilst still gazing ahead.

"She will, just give her time, she's been through a lot and you know, she's my mum at the end of the day and she's only trying to be protective over me, I'm all she's got now."

"I're her little girl, I can understand that completely, would be the same if we had children one day..." he quickly blushed after saying that aloud, that part was supposed to be in his head.

" day maybe. I love you, you know, going away for these little breaks does us both good, it's nice to escape from everyone isn't it?"

"Heh...yes, I'll have to agree with you there..." he turned to face her and gazed down at her longing face.

"You okay mister?? Looks like you've seen something frightening!" she giggled after, but Peter just thought that was making her even cuter.

"'re so beautiful, god damn, how did I end up with a girl like you hey?" he really couldn't believe his luck sometimes.

They looked at each other for a few seconds until he gave in, their lips touched together softly and it made her fall deeper for him, as every minute passed she felt as if she had already gone to heaven with this man.

"Love you.." he whispered back to her, he stood on the dry grass and held out his hands to pick her up from the floor, "Let's get going back to our cottage, we can get all cosy then, if you catch my drift."  he winked at her, then said "First one to the cottage wins!" Amy looked back at him sharply then laughed and started running after him.  

To this very day she could still remember the smell of the muggy air and the cut grass, the taste of the wine that they shared that night together, it made her heart burn with fear and anger and she quickly awoke from that distant memory and saw that she was still inside the room that she would forever be trapped in.


"Hey, you awake yet?" Peter turned around slowly on the sofa after hearing this man's voice, he sounded familiar but not anyone he had met before. 

"Amy.." he opened his stinging eyes to the sight of this man peering over him. "Who..Where.."

"Shh lad, don't fear, you're safe here, well just me and my daughter, but a hell of a lot safer than it is out there. My name's Paul, my daughter; Emma, well she's still asleep." a confused look swept over Peter's face.

"I'm Peter. But I...can you tell me what's going on? I need to find my..wife, Amy; she's pregnant, I can't think where she might have gone." he looked around the room to see a little girl in pink spotted pyjamas walk around the corner into the living room, holding a teddy bear closely to her chest.

"You best get dressed Emma, we haven't got long now." he smiled to her and she nodded back to him, but all the time continued to stare at the stranger on the sofa. "You'll have to get yourself ready too, that's if you want to come with us, that is." Paul looked at him, waiting for an answer, some confirmation.

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