The Journey - Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

Three days ago - Saturday evening

"Anna..where do you think you're going at this time of night??"

"Why would you care!" Anna stormed out of the front door of her new home, her stepdad's boisterous voice had been enough for one night and she just wanted to escape.

I'm eighteen..they can't keep treating me like a kid anymore! Call him dad now...please call him dad...fuck off

She walked for miles until she caught sight of her favourite hangout spot, The Jaws.

Don't know why they called it that..still, best place to chill in this dump..oh, I hope Si is here tonight.

Anna's slim, young figure sauntered casually through the main doors, this time she wasn't even asked to show proof of her age as they knew her from last night, and then the previous night too; she was a regular here.

"Hiya guys!" her smile peeked at Si momentarily, then she quickly moved on to the edge of the bar, where she propped herself up with the red velvet stool that was beside it. "Just a beer, you know my usual by now, how's it been today then?" sipping at her pint of ale shortly afterwards.

"'s been dead as always, you know I reckon if it wasn't for you we would be out of business! Heh" the dreadlocked guy laughed cheerfully to himself and lent back against the counter. "You're still young, you shouldn't be in a dive like this all the time, I only come here cos...well, I work here, I wouldn't if I had the choice you know." he smiled at walked up to whisper in her ear. "You know, Si has been talking about you.." he stepped back and glanced over to Si who sat comfortably on the couch in the corner of the room.

Anna leant in slightly to whisper some more. "Who's he with? I've never seen her before."

"Don't worry about her, she's a regular but one of his friends I guess."

"Huh...friends hmm? They look pretty chummy to me alright."

"Go over and say hi, what have you got to lose?" Adam was always looking out for her, even through high school he cared for her just like a sister, they had been friends since then but nothing more, she wasn't really his type if he was honest, a little too immature for his standards.

"I suppose you're right...I have put it off far too long." she suddenly felt the buzz of finally getting the courage together to talk to this man she'd fancied for more than two years. It was his boyish good looks; a pretty boy some would say, but to her, he was all she wanted in a guy. Si was only twenty but already owned a posh, top of the range car, worked full time in an office somewhere in town and he had his own place.

"Go for it Anna." Adam turned away and started pretending to clean up for the night.

Anna started to walk over, casually and calmly. What am I going to say...just hi?? Oh god, that won't do..

"Hi there." to her surprise, Simon was the first to speak. As he said those two simple words, Anna's whole body felt weak and her heart just skipped a beat or two.

"Uhh...hi back..oh sorry, heh." she tried controlling herself with more beer, and it actually helped a little.

"Come sit with us, please." he pulled up another stool for his lady friend to move to, so that he could have Anna closer to him instead.

"This is cosy..hmm, Simon, when are we leaving?? I'm getting bored of this place and need something fun." this ditsy brunette thing played with her long hair and huffed until she hopefully got what she wanted, she was definitely attention seeking.  

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