The Journey - Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

Previous Night - 6:00pm

Richard walked out of the abandoned farm house, stepping onto the white wooden porch that overlooked a few good acres of land. The early evening air was a blessing on his skin, he felt so hot from the day and needed to cool down before going back in for the evening, he never felt too safe at night, especially alone when his brother Mark was patrolling the land for more infected that they hadn't spotted the previous day.

"Shit man, where have you been? I've told you it's not safe to go on your own, maybe I'll come with you next time.."

"There's nothing out there anyway, we're alive for another night brother."

Rich nodded and pulled out two beers from the crate behind him, "Fancy a beer? Still cold.."

"Go on then, I think we've deserved it!"

Both of them leaned forward onto the porch wooden railings and took in the view of the swaying green grass, the smells of warm, muggy air and the taste of the ice cold beer trickling down their throats.

"Can't remember when the night was this's actually more peaceful now that those dead things are out there than it was when everyone was alive..huh, figures.."

"What do you mean figures?" he took another quick swig of the Grug beer.

"Humph...don't think that we're all getting out of this alive, it's nice to think that we will, but can you really see that happening now? I mean, there's not a soul in site..literally!" he looked at Richard for a bit but then looked out to the field, to his shock he saw at least a dozen infected running toward the house, the porch light was on and they had been spotted.

"Mo..MOVE!!!" Mark shouted to Rich; who before then hadn't seen or heard them at all.

They ran in quickly, at this point a couple of the infected had reached them and started slamming violently at their front door. Their hands beat and beat, blood started seeping from their wounds as they became more aggressive and knowing there was an opportunity for food, the first door was locked, then bolted several times afterwards, there wasn't a chance to enter that way.

" did lock the back door as you went out earlier??" They glanced at each other briefly, but then Rich quietly snuck around to the back of the house, making sure that none of the dead heard him moving. "Tell me if any of those things start moving around, okay." he whispered as he knelt down and entered the kitchen, heading closer to the partially open door. He felt a chilly draft enter suddenly, but there wasn't anything in the kitchen, as far as he could see. The door was locked quickly afterwards, he peered out of the broken wooden slat to look out onto the other farmhouse two fields over, there were people running, but getting torn from their limbs, chunks of flesh being torn from dead mouths.

Shit...what the hell!

"Everything okay back there?? They've gone from the front, but where the hell are they now?!" Mark shouted from the other room.

"They've gone to the Jones'...they're all dead."

Mark ran over to the kitchen, where Rich still knelt down peering out of the broken wooden frame.

"Out there...look." Rich was completely mesmerised from what he was witnessing at the moment.

"Fuck! What the hell are we doing here?? As soon as those fuckers are finished with the Jones', they'll be after us!"

"Keep your voice down, we just have to lay low at the moment, if we stay upstairs and make sure every area of our house is barricaded up, we have a chance of surviving this night at least."

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