The Journey - Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

"Here are we, looks safe enough I suppose, let's check it out." Marc walked on ahead whilst Richard slowly followed on behind him. They had made it to The Swan and Miller pub, it appeared to almost be completely untouched, it looked like it had done back when everything was normal. They both stepped through the heavy doors to the place, the aroma of alcohol flooded the atmosphere, kinda nice to smell that again, they had been too used to the smell of rotting bodies and other musty smells.

"Marc, we should check the back rooms, you know, just in case there is anyone here still."

"Sure thing." Marc replied casually.

The bar door was already open, but only Richard walked through to check the other rooms, Marc walked over to the other side of the bar and checked if any of the taps were still in use, to his luck he found himself pouring a pint of ale, it was warm but he didn't care too much about that, he just wanted a drink.

"Hey Rich, ale is coming out of the pipes..ha!" he was ecstatic, wasn't sure if he would ever taste it again and he started downing his first one.

"Be careful Marc, don't drink too much of that stuff, it could have gone know the barrels might be contaminated or god knows what else." Rich replied from the back office room. "I think we're okay here..doesn't seem to be anyone in the office or, wait, I'll have to check the cellar, can you start barricading up the door, just to be safe you know."

"Sure thing...I'll get right on it now bro!" he started moving some of the wooden chairs towards the entrance and quickly thought about covering the windows too just to make sure that nothing could get inside.

Richard walked downstairs, there was hardly any light around here but he flicked on his torch to at least see where he was going, he could see the barrels but they appeared fine, the room was dust ridden and it made him cough a little, he walked on around the cellar and didn't see anything that would put them in infected down here, "Hey Marc, we're alright, this place is dead!" in the corner of the room awoke a man, his eyes opened quickly and spotted Richard standing in-front of him. The thing crept up silently from the ground and could now see clearly, it ran towards Richard but as soon as Rich started walking up the staircase again he was pulled backwards violently and his head struck the floor fast.

"Rich..what's happened?!" he ran towards the door to the basement but from where he stood he couldn't see anything, then a flash of his torch flickered about, he could see the dead man's face down there and it sent a chill down his body, but this was his brother down there and he shot down the stairs as quickly as he could. "Get off him!" he launched himself at the man and struck him to the floor, he had to find a weapon or something to kill it quickly before it made any more noise and made their location known to anyone. It tried biting at his arm but Marc pushed his face to the ground and grasped at his neck, how the fuck do you kill these things! "Fuck off!!" he quickly made his hands tighter on this thing's head and snapped it fast. "Oh shit, oh shit!" oh christ no, no...ugh, Rich?

He crawled over to his brother who lay there seemingly unconscious on the grimy floor, he was still breathing but there was a cut on his forehead and a few bruises also, "Let's get you back upstairs." god I need to cover this up.

Marc struggled to drag his heavy brother back upstairs but made it anyway and lay him on the cushioned benches, he scurried away fast because he really needed to find bandages, maybe there were some in the office he thought; so he checked for one quickly.

A few hours passed by and it was approaching the early hours of the morning, Marc was sat by the bar with the remainder of his pint, he waited and waited for his brother to wake up and he wasn't sure how long it would be.

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