Chapter 1: Intro

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Your hungry. I'm hungry. You and I should go eat and have a party.... at McDonalds! Great huh?!

I laugh to my self when I got that kind off text from a stranger. I'm hungry. Anyway the point is that this book is about what we people are doing in this world. I say no more food and more working out!!!!!

Jk that would be horrible 😉

I look what I have in front of me and see it's a news paper that said that Sonic was going to be opening soon and I got up and asked my mom to go. The answer was yes but hold on I need to do this and this. To be honest I don't want to wait, I want to eat.
So we get there and I times this one huge fat woman of how long she eats. I couldn't believe it. 2 hours and 55 secs. The only reason we were staying for 2 hours was because my brother made a accident if you know what I mean. When she was half way done she was on the phone so all I herd from her is:

Hell up there no!

Yea I'm at Sonic

I had two meals

Ok bye

Hey new book! Guys shoot me a text of any funny food story you seen or herd about and I will write the story on this book! Thanks

~Miranda 💙

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