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Tonight it rains, well pouring. We are driving to Friday's and we all are smiling and singing Christmas music, bursting it up. But I ain't singing I'm listing to country. So we arrive and there was this thing on vine that my friend made, she yells at the waiter that there isn't any pop or country music on the menus. So think what I did? Yup I wanted to yell at the waiter but she came by and smilies at us I drowned in sadness, she's old. Old as old can be like she was in a sitting in a wheelchair with he notes out. My brother order and then my older sister than they both look at me. "What would you like honey" she says her voice breaking, but she's smiling as well. I took a deep breath and I started raping. Here's the lines:

I want burger and fries old lady
Oollldddd lady!
Come on what do you got on me
Did you learn your abc's


Then at the end everyone's like oooooooo!! Some burnnn!! And then I looked at the old lady and she started to stop dancing.

"Beautiful song young man" she says and I looked at her confused. Then she took of her mask and reveled herself. Then I forgot my mom works here. My mom. But why an old lady face?  She did it good.


Thank you Christian  for this great, hilarious story. Anyone who wants me to tell their funny food story? Pm me!

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