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A/N~I didnt proof read soo..~

It's been 2 month since I found out who my father was, now I know that I need to escape before somethings goes from bad to worst. I keep trying to escape from this cage that I live in this prison in my head, I own many mistakes from all the things I never did I carry my defense. Now I'm running for the fences on my own as fast as my legs could carry me seeing the warning signs and it's brighter then the morning and keeps trying to turn me around but who cares in my mind I'm braking the warning down, and I'm not going to let anyone know what I have lost.

I made my way to the last fence not looking back. As my left hand slowly grasp the wire fence it shock me, i moved my hand back in shocked. "Thought you was getting away that fast and easy, ha you thought wrong." The voice said and the only voice i remember by heart......Wen. I got up from the hard cold dirty ground still holding my left hand, lifting my head up as my brownish blonde hair swoop in my face blowing it out of my face so i could have a clear version of him.

"Why are you here" I ask walking up to him not caring in the world of what he's capable of. My body act before my mind as i still approaching him little by little. "Stop right there, this is your warning" He said holding a gun to my head as i fully approach him. "Or what you don't have the guts to shoot me" I smirked. "You killed my girlfriend and now i'm going to kill you." I froze. The last person i killed was my ex bestfriend Zoey...

"Y-you dated Zoey" I was in full shocked by now. He put the gun down and smirked and i continue "THAT'S WHY YOU ALWAYS BE NICE TO HER BECAUSE YOU DATED MY BEST FRIEND" I went from mad to shocked as he was still just there standing and smirking "Ex bestfriend" He corrected me and man do I hate people correcting. He walked off as a knife fell out his pocket....I wan't done with him. I pick up the knife and throw it arming at him...........

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