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Jongin came home after a long day at school. He broke two girls hearts today but, they weren't the only ones with a broken heart because Jongin was all alone again.

Once he was in his room he sat down and pulled out his homework. He spent about 15 minutes writing down half assed answers. He didn't care about his grades as long as he passed the class.

Jongin let out a sigh and threw his books in a pile near his back pack. He leaned back in his chair and thought about how his day went. The more he thought the more he leaned back.


"Dammit!" Jongin cursed while pulling himself off of the floor after falling from his chair. His dogs must have heard the commotion because they came running to their master to cheer him up.

Jongin sat on his bed as his dogs snuggled up next to him and he couldn't help but smile. When his dogs stopped begging for his attention he grabbed his laptop. He pulled up an online dating site for betas that helped them find their mates. It was called (creative, I know;))

There aren't many already mated pairs that were looking for a beta around his area or in his age group.
After and hour of looking at pretty faces he gave up on the website. He didn't give up on finding his mates though. He is still determined to find the people who will make him happy.


"Jongin!" His father barked, "get down here now!"

Not wanting to displease his father, Jongin scurried down the stairs as fast as his legs would go.

"Son, I'm sorry to tell you this but, we are moving. It's because of work."

"What!" Jongin squeaked.

"We are moving to Seoul. And that is final. Start packing, we leave in two days." His father said in a gruff tone.

"But dad, what about school? I just started my senior year!"

"Don't worry, Jongin, I already signed you up at Exo Academy." He gave a shocked Jongin a pat on the back and left the room.

Jongin slowly made his way up to his room. He thought about moving until his head hurt. He tends to over think everything. He thought about the cons of moving which were being the new kid, being lost, starting over, and losing friends. Then he thought about the pros which were bigger city, better school, and his favorite thing is that he had more of a chance at finding his mates.

All in all Jongin thought that moving might be a change for the better

This chapter was actually fun to write. I got bored in the car and just started writing :) I hope you enjoy this chapter cuz I sure did!
This chapter is for Exolover1212!

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