New Kid

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Sehun and Luhan were snuggling on the couch in their shared apartment. Today marked their one year anniversary of being mated. Instead of going to a fancy resaurant they decide to stay home and Sehun promised to make dinner.

Sehun came out about half an hour later, holding two plates. He smiled sheepishly as he handed Luhan his plate.

"Sehun, is this the best you can do?" He asked while staring at the pile of scrambled eggs and toast. Sehun gave Luhan a pouty face and the omega sighed and pecked his alpha on the lips.

The older took the first bite, "Mmmm, this tastes good."

"Thank you. Hey did you hear that we got a new student?" Sehun asked.

"Yeah, I heard he's a smokin' hot alpha." Sehun growled at what his mate said. The later just giggled and tackled Sehun so that he was laying on top of him. Eventually they got comfortable and Sehun started running his fingers through the others hair. "What do you think about finding our beta?"

"I'd be okay with it if you are. I was always curious as to what a full bond felt like."

*** Full bond is where the alpha, beta, and omega are mated.

Luhan looked down at Sehun and smiled. They spent the rest of the day talking and watching movies. They didn't worry about staying up late because the next day was Saturday and they could sleep in.

Luhan woke up in a bed, wrapped in his alphas arms. Sehun moved him from the couch last night when he fell asleep. He rolled over and smiled at the thought of his dreams. He dreamt of being wrapped in two sets of arms. He was just so happy that Sehun wanted to find their beta too because he wanted to know what it felt like to feel his mates emotions once they completed the full bond.

Monday came around before they knew it but they both had a new class. It was a class required for alpha and omega students who have been mated for a year or betas that are already a part of a full bond. It just talked about full bonds and how to handle them. The only good thing about the class was that you got to sit by your mate.

About five minutes into the lecture and Sehun was already drooling on his textbook. Luhan was nice enough to take notes for him since he knew that the alpha had two hours of dance practice after school and needed all the sleep he could get.

The rest of the day flew by with a lot of talk about the new kid but, the mated pair had yet to see him.

Sehun walked into the dance room and was hit by a strong scent that smelled like fresh baked cookies. It was like the first time he smelled Luhan after he became an alpha.

It was the smell of his mate.

At that moment Sehun was lost to his alpha instincts. He followed the scent to the changing rooms. He saw no one when he entered but he walked around the corner and made eye contact with a shirtless, tan skinned boy. The boy took a deep breath in and froze.

Hey guys I forgot to tell you that once you start reading the chapter called moving it fast forwards to one year after HunHan is mated. This seems to be one of my more popular stories so I really want you to comment:)

This chapter is for Exolover1212 and Gedmafromuchihacult. Thank you for being such loyal readers.

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