Don't Piss Luhan Off

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Jongin was now taking the full bond class. It was boring, but bearable because Chanyeol and Jongdae were there to make snarky comments about everything. The other day Jongdae put a centipede in the guest speakers water. She freaked out and ran out of the room scream "Those damn kids need to learn some respect."

Today they were learning about full bond emotions and how they connect to each other. The teacher asked if anyone was already in a full bond. Jongin slowly raised his hand and was asked to come to the front of the class. The teacher then said, "I'm not going to hurt him. This is just an experiment."

Before Jongin could react to the alarm bells going off in his head he was put into a headlock that cut off the flow of his air. Jongin wasn't prepared to fight because he was in school. School is supposed to safe, right?

He was struggling to breath as the class was frozen in shock. Just as he was about to pass out the door slammed open and there stood Sehun, soaking wet in a Spedo. He obviously came from swimming and he was pissed. You could smell his anger in the air. The teacher let Jongin go out of fear. Sehun grabbed his beta and held him tightly while asking if he was ok.

Approximately 30 seconds later Luhan bursted into the room. He punched the teacher in the nose and the class could hear bones crack. Then the little omega slammed the teacher against the wall and whispered into his ear, "If you touch a single hair on my betas head I will staple your dick to the wall!" Luhan was breathing harshly and his wolf was staring to show.

He threw the other man to the floor and asked, "Do you understand me?" the teacher whimpered and nodded.


The news of that incident spread like wild fire. From that day on everyone knew not to mess with Luhan.


This was fun to write! This is for two of my wonderful followers Unicorn-Lay-88 and Gedmafromuchihacult!

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