Chapter 2

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Before Grace can move, the troll looking thing comes at her and hangers her arm. Grace glares and panics a little. She struggles and screams. Sebastian and Joe work help Grace come free of the trolls grip. Energy starts to build up in Grace she can feel it working its way from her toes. It's a number tingly feeling moving up her body. The only thought running through her head on repeat is, 'I need to get free, get free, get free.' As the energy build and works its way to Graces fingertips. A powerful surge unseen is released. The Troll, Joe, and Sebastian go flying across the room and crashes into the far wall. Before anyone can react Grace turns tail and runs as fast as she can. That's right do not pass go and definitely not collecting two hundred dollars. Before she gets out of the bar doors she hears Sebastian order Joe to tame the troll and Sebastian follows in hot pursuit. She picks up speed and she hears running behind her, which makes her push herself harder.

Grace gets to the door of her room, jams the key in the lock, and swings the door open then slams it closed behind her. As the door closes in place, Grace hears a loud pound, "Grace open the door," she hears Sebastians seductive voice. Grace feels the sexiness of that husky voice hit her and she shakes her head to clear it. "No," Grace yells through the door as she runs and grabs everything and throws it into her suitcase. She picks her suitcase up and heads for the window still dressed in her high stiletto boots and her sexy outfit. I could make it out the window, Grace thinks to herself. As she is getting ready to open the window, she hears the door to her room unlock, her suitcase hits the floor, and she grabs the small lamp off the desk and hold it over head as a life line. Her eyes widen and she comes to a complete stop.

Sebastian is standing in the doorway starring at her, he then starts stalking towards her, "Grace, Listen" he demands. Graces body tightens at his commanding tone, "Get away from me," Grace Tries to yell but it comes out as a squeak. Sebastian's eyes roam over her body from her toes up and land on her breast which makes Grace catch her breath. Sebastian grins and prowls towards her. Grace finally gets her feet unglued from the floor and backs up slowly. Sebastians grin deepens as Graces bottom comes against the wall. Graces breath catches as she realizes she's trapped. She has a good girl on one shoulder saying, "Get away, and get away" then on the other shoulder she has the bad girl saying, "Get a lot closer and have your wicked way." Grace thinks to herself, 'great now I am talking to myself okay thinking to myself. Graces shakes her head at her craziness and notices Sebastian is almost standing right in front of her. Her eyes widen as she notices the gleam in Sebastians eyes and the heat, her knees about buckle. "Now Gracie, you don't mean that." Sebastian all but purrs. Before Grace can move away from the wall Sebastian is grabbing both her hands and pressing them against the wall over her head. He steps up close to her, front to front, his knee slides in between her legs and rubs up against her heat. Sebastian moves in closer and presses more firmly against Grace who can feel his hot breath against her lips. Graces eyes about roll in the back of her head as he starts rubbing circles on her wrist with his thumb, she moans. Sebastian chuckles, "Now will you listen to me or do I need to tie you up."

Grace blushes because just picturing that makes her want him to throw her on the bed and have his beastie way. Her fantasy clears and she remembers what happened in the bar. Grace glares at Sebastian then starts to struggle against him to get free, "Let. Me. Go. Now." Sebastian just grins at her and continues to rub circles against her wrists, which make her grow, "If you don't let me go, I will bit." Sebastians nostrils flare, his eyes darken, and a little fang shows which makes Grace gasp. "That's okay I bite back, but I promise I won't be too rough, Gracie not unless you beg," he purrs against her lips barely touching on a whisper. Grace stops struggling at that, her blush depends, she feels the heat between her thighs, and the heaviness of her breast in such an aroused state. "What are you," Grace whispers.

Sebastian laughs seductively, "Oh Gracie, what a question." Fire comes into Graces eyes and she glares at Sebastian, "Stop calling me Gracie, the name is Grace," she hugs. "But Gracie is such a sweet name," Sebastian replies wickedly. Grace glares with a mix of emotions running across her face like a predictable movie. Some fear that turns into lust, fire, irritation and sex. Sebastian looks at her then leans forward with his mouth against her ear, " now Grace, are you ready, what I am is a werewolf," he replies then gently runs his teeth along her ear while his body presses against her firmly.

In the next instant Grace realizes she is now on the floor and Sebastian is flying through the air and crash landing onto the black leather couch with an oomph. Grace continues to sit on the floor in shock with her eyes wide open. Sebastian looks at her intensely, "Gracie, if you wanted to play rough all you had to do was ask," he grins as he saunters slowly towards her. As Grace Get up off the floor, the door of the room swings open with a loud crash. Sebastian turns in fury, his hands shift into wolf paws with crazy scary claws, "Grace stay behind me," he replies out loud. Grace rolls her eyes at that, "Ya like I am going to go racing towards something that broke my door as if.

The troll from the bar is standing in the doorway with three other monster looking things. The three others have human bodies, they are really tall and their faces and head looks like that of an alligator with very sharp teeth. Grace's wide open eyes don't know where to turn. The troll catches her eyes as he stares at her and not in an oh baby oh baby way either. The troll looks back at Sebastian, "my boss wants her."" Sebastian backs up closer to Grace keeping her body covered by his, she puts on of her hands on his waist, "Tough shits, she's not going with you," he growls at the troll. Grace huddles behind Sebastian thinking, "I am going crazy, hmmm let me think go with the four bad monsters or stay with the one sexy werewolf, hmm such a tough decision.' The troll just smiles and takes a step forward, Graces eyes catch the movement and takes in a whoosh of air.

Grace hears a buzzing in her ear then Sebastians seductive voice in her head which makes her about jump through the roof. "Gracie, don't be scared you're going to have to jump on my back and hold on tight don't let go for anything. Squeeze my hand if you understand." Sebastians hand reaches back while his eyes stay focused on the enemies at hand. His fur clawed hand bumps Graces thigh. Grace jumps then rubs her head against his shoulder in refusal. "Gracie, honey our going to have to it's the only way out of here." The three alligator looking things race in the room. Grace is really nervous and scared. She squeezes Sebastians paw and climbs up his back. The las thought before crashing through the glass is Sebastian is in her head saying, "That's my girl now hold on tight no matter what. " Grace grasps on tightly to Sebastians shoulders and presses her head down into his neck. As Sebastian is in midair he shifts completely.

Beneath Graces grip on his shoulder her hands meet the touch of fur. Sebastians wolf form is ten times larger than any wolf Grace has seen on TV. Grace feels the soft fur underneath her which makes her want to snuggle up against it. Sebastian races through the streets, Graces hands tighten in his fur as he takes a sharp right turn. They hear the bad guys behind them. Grace looks back and sees the troll in a car and the three alligator looking things running after them. Sebastian starts zig zagging on the road to try and lose them. A loud pop sounds next to Sebastians right leg and makes Grace jump, "They are shooting at us." Sebastian continues to swerve and turns into a dark deserted alley. The pop sounds again but this time it nails Sebastian in his right leg which goes out from under him and he crashes into the pavement, Grace goes flying through the air and lands on a pile of wood plans, which knocks the breath out of her. The troll and others are closing in.

Grace stands up slowly and falls back down as the sharp pain in her right ankle is too much to bare. She grinds her teeth and gets up but stands on only her left food, she hops towards Sebastians body. AS she leans over him, he shifts back into his human form naked and unconscious. Grace touches his shoulder then hears the squeal of a car come to a halt about 10 feet away. She looks up and sees that the troll and the others are coming at her. "Girl, come now, don't make me use force, 'he grins the leach. Grace shakes her head, and feels energy building. Grace shakes her head, 'not again' she thinks to herself, 'it's going to happen might as well let it go full swing.' Sebastian can't move because his leg is still healing but he is now awake. Sebastian looks at Grace then speaks in her mind, 'What are you doing?' Grace gives a small smiles and shrugs her shoulders, "Hell if I know. "She faces the troll and the other while putting all her focus on them and only them. The energy spreads out of her body and slams the troll into his car so hard it bends around him, the energy throws the three others through the windows of an old abandoned building. As the energy completely dissipates from Grace her last thought before unconsciousness is, 'What the hell am I.'

Sebastian finished healing while Grace was doing her mojo. As Grace falls to the ground, he catches her and looks down at her limp, soft, seductive body with awe and wonder in his arms. He pushes her Hair out of her face with a soft touch and thinks how beautiful she is, "Gracie, I will protect you," Sebastian whispers to know one in particular, then he jumps a little in shock when he realizes what he said and has no idea where it came from. He shakes his head, then lifts Grace off the pavement and makes his way back to the hotel with his Gracie in his arms and him Stark ass naked.

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