Part Two-

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Gerard had never been on Osage street before until now. He scanned his eyes, looking over the large houses. Most of them had two or three floors with large windows and green, verdant lawns. There were fountains in some yards. Some had fences. Gerard had never seen such nice houses before. He couldn't believe that Frank lived in a place like this. He never knew Frank was rich.

After several minutes of walking, Gerard found himself outside 311 Osage Street. Frank lived in a very large, very nice white and brick house that was two stories tall. There was a detached garage and a winding driveway. Gerard passed through the fence, his heart pounding nervously. What if Frank wasn't home? He worried incessantly as he crossed the long driveway and reached the doorstep. The young man took a deep breath and knocked once on the wooden door.

There was a distant scuffle inside the house and after a second, the door opened to reveal a very pretty woman with short, black hair. She looked a lot like Frank.

"Hello!" She greeted cheerily. Gerard noticed smile and laugh lines on her cheeks.

"Hi," Gerard murmured awkwardly. He wasn't quite sure what to say.

"Are you Frank's friend?" She asked, furrowing her brow. Gerard could not imagine how she possibly knew that, and he wondered if Frank talked about him a lot. "Gerard, is it?"

So he did talk about him a lot. That made Gerard feel a little happy. At least somebody was thinking of him at night.

"Yeah," Gerard said, feeling slightly less panicky, "I'm Gerard."

"Great! Frank said he was expecting you tonight. By all means, please come in," She stepped back, opening the door farther for Gerard. How did Frank know he'd be here? He stepped in and allowed his eyes to to adjust. The inside of the house was just as gorgeous. In the foyer, there was a curved staircase fitted to the wall, leading to a second floor. In front of Gerard, there was an opening leading to a large dining room and beyond that, Gerard could barely see the corner of what he thought was a kitchen. There were mirrors everywhere. Gerard could see himself on one a few feet away. He looked so unworthy to be in such a beautiful place. He blinked away and found himself standing on a pretty, red rug. It looked foreign. He was scared to mess it up.

"Hey! It's Death himself!"

Gerard looked up to see Frank at the top of the stairs, his hand on the railing, a grin on his face. He quickly dismounted the stairs and rushed to his friend and his mother.

"What's up, man?" Frank said, grinning like a mad man. Gerard couldn't help but notice how pleased he looked. Gerard also noticed how different he looked than he did when he was at school. Rather than his grungy, alternative clothing, Frank was wearing a blazer and black slacks. His usual fringe was combed neatly to the side. He looked different. Way different.

Gerard couldn't find the breath to respond. He wasn't sure what was up. Or down. Or sideways. He still couldn't believe he was here. He could only stare at his friend with a shocked expression.

"Eh, don't mind these. I just wear them to keep the locals from panicking," Frank said, pulling on his blazer. He shrugged like his change of style meant nothing, but, to Gerard, it meant everything. Did Frank dress differently at school because he didn't want to intimidate Gerard? Or because he didn't want to seem uppity?

"Frank," His mother called from the dining room, her heels clacking on the floor as she moved around the table. Gerard couldn't remember her leaving. She leaned into the doorway so they both could see her, "Ask your friend if he wants to eat with us. Be a good host."

Frank rolled his eyes, turning back to Gerard. He pressed his thumbs to his blazer, acting regal. "Master Way, would you kindly do me the honors of attending dinner with my family and I tonight. My mother has so graciously prepared a delicious amount of Chinese food," He said, puffing out his chest and putting on a great, loud amount of false snobbishness.

Gerard couldn't help but snicker at his friends antics. He grinned shyly, looking towards the floor. He felt lighter here than he did at home. More welcome. Happier.

"Of course, Master Iero. One must always partake in copious amounts of food, especially in the Chinese variety."


Gerard couldn't help but be surprised. The whole dinner went without screaming. Without somebody getting angry and throwing a temper tantrum. Without yelling or noise or frustration. Only the clicks and clinks of silverware on nice plates and the healthy conversation withheld by the Ieros.

Gerard liked Frank's family. He liked them a lot. During diner, Gerard had been introduced to several different people. The first was Frank's mother, whom he had met earlier. He found out that she works as a writer and has published several books, which Gerard thought was the coolest thing ever. The second had been Frank's father. Frank's father looked much like Frank as well too, but with graying hair and horn-rimmed glasses that reminded him of Mikey, but for only a moment. The last had been Frank's younger sister, Abby, who had been reading quietly in her room. She had smiled warmly at Gerard as she sat down and ate silently, rarely speaking, and when she did, it was very polite and proper. Gerard found himself wishing Mikey had those mannerisms.

After dinner, Gerard and Frank sat in Frank's room. Frank was laying on his back on his large, black bed, watching the spinning ceiling fan. It was entirely quiet except for the faint footsteps of Frank's parents clearing dinner and the tapping of Abby playing the piano quietly somewhere in the house. Gerard's ears, not used to the silence, were actually ringing, struggling to pick up any noise. He sat up slowly, afraid to stir the food that was digesting in his stomach, and spied Frank, hands crossed over his chest in a very reserved way. Gerard couldn't help but think about how different he was than the school Frank he knew. The street-smart, alternative freshman to now this posh, respectful young man. Gerard wondered if Frank could sense a change in him too.

Frank groaned and sat up, seeing Gerard do the same. "I tell ya," He said, raising his eyebrows, "My mom knows how to cook."

"You have a nice house," Gerard blurted. He felt himself blush fiercely, so he jerked his head to the floor.

"Thanks!" Frank chirped, grinning like a mad man. He paused after that and watched his friend, "But... You do realize, I'm still the same Frank Iero. Not some... Rotten, rich kid."

"Why do you change for school?" Gerard asked, turning towards him again, a source of irritation in his voice, "Why didn't you tell me you are rich?"

"Because it doesn't matter, okay?" Frank replied suddenly and stiffly. He looked away from Gerard, bit his lip, and shook his head, "I didn't want you to see me differently. I am who I want to be at school. I am who I want to be a home. That's all there is to it. I wanted you to come over so you could see that. I figured I couldn't keep it much of a secret for that long."

Frank paused, and then he looked back over at Gerard, a small smile returning to his face, "So, do you forgive me for keeping my life a secret from you?"

Gerard's face suddenly tensed and he looked away. He tried to focus on the fluffy carpet beneath him or the sounds of laughter from downstairs, or the piano playing somewhere, but he couldn't. He felt tears roll down his cheeks, tears of intense envy. "No," He replied, shaking his head, "Because you have everything I have ever wanted."

It was quiet for a moment before there was a shift, and Frank moved himself down beside Gerard and placed a hand reassuringly on his shoulder. Such a display of affection at school would mean social suicide, but Gerard needed it. He needed a helping hand.

"Do you want to tell me about it?" Frank asked, removing his hand and setting it in his lap.

"I don't want you to pity me," Gerard said, his voice surprisingly strong considering he was still crying soft tears.

"I'll just listen closely. No pitying involved," Frank said, smiling sympathetically. Gerard considered for a moment denying him. He didn't want to talk about his miserable life when he was surrounded by this fabulous one. He wanted to enjoy his surroundings, not muck them up with a sad tale, but.. As Gerard stared at Frank, in one of the many impulsive decisions he had that day, he decided Frank was trustworthy. Frank deserved to know.

So, Gerard opened his pale, chapped lips and told the story of what he went home to every night.

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