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Know that God is still in control even when it seems like your life is out of control. He will never leave nor forsake us, although sometimes it does seem like He's left us. Truth is He hasn't left, He's simply sitting back watching you to see how much you'll trust Him to deal with the situation at hand.

Sometimes God allows us to go through things just to test our faith and trust in Him. It isn't that He wants bad stuff to happen to us, He simply wants us to trust Him during our storm no matter how bad things may seem, let Him take control. It may be hard sometimes but always remember God won't put more on us than we can bare. With that being said, even when it feels like the world is on your shoulders and you can't take it, don't turn to that bad habit you're trying to quit, run to God. He's the only one that can rescue you. By going back to where we were during difficulties we're telling God we're comfortable there and don't wish to go any higher. I don't know about you but I love growth and becoming better. I mean who doesn't? It's a must that we let God step in and do His Will.

When facing difficulties, it's important to be obedient and trust God. Even when it looks like He's not working, trust me He is. We just can't see it. During this time praise is important. We shouldn't only treat God good when were doing good. Praise Him just for allowing you to face challenges. Indeed it's challenges that help mold us into who we are. We can either choose to let what we are going through make us better or tear us down. It's our choice, just like most things in our lives.

Although we might feel defeated, like there's no way out. Remember troubles don't last always, and it's our praise and our faith during the storm that'll ultimately bring us through. You might be down, you may even cry and that's okay. Cry, get it all out, talk to God. Just make up your mind to not stay where you are. Always pick yourself back up and find ways to be a better individual, not a copy of someone else. Each and and everyone of was made uniquely by God, no one has the same anything, even twins. Therefore use that as your advantage, shine like the special star that you are.

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