Obedience 2.0

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It wasn't until recently
I have come to the realization that although I am thankful for the lessons I have learned, I didn't have to go through them in order for me to blossom into who I am today. Some of the bad things I have encountered came from me being outside of the will of God. While He does turn our bad days into good once we release them to Him, so much could've been avoided had I just been obedient.
See society has us convinced that in order for us to ever learn anything we have to encounter "bad situations" first. I would have to say I disagree. In life we all have a choice, a choice to do good, a choice to do bad. The choice to eat eggs at 10pm, and the choice to have hot wings for breakfast. At the end of the day it's still our decision. The same concept can be applied with  our lives. We can choose to do what's right and pleasing to God, or we can take the other route. You may find that doing things the God pleasing way makes you feel better inside, more peaceful. A feeling that cannot be described even if we tried. What I have found is that, although I have done things to please God, that doesn't mean things always worked out exactly how I thought it would, it also doesn't mean I always received good news immediately . The only thing that I could be sure about was that my obedience would make room for me, in the place I'm suppose to be in. I knew that despite the heart break I was feeling from things not going my way that God was smiling down on me and acknowledged my submission to Him, in-spite of the way things looked.
I didn't feel the same when I took an unGodly route. Although I did what I wanted to do, despite my reasoning for doing it, wrong was still wrong. I felt condemned and ashamed that I made such a choice. Not only was I letting myself down but also those that looked up to me, and depended on my obedience to receive their blessing. Yes God can and does use others to bring forth blessings to others when it's time, even if the messenger that originally had the assignment is not in position to complete her mission. However, I feel there's still a difference. If it's one thing that I know about God it's that He's strategic and intentional. So what looks to us like one open door is really 10 more. Therefore I believe He knows why He choose that messenger for that particular assignment. So the next time you think about being disobedient, remember you're not the only one that is depending on you.
      Romans 3 verse 23 says all had sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. That is totally true. We are humans and even the most Godly of us have human tendencies daily. This is why it is important to kill our flesh daily with God's word so that Jesus may dwell in our temple making it clean and acceptable unto our father in Heaven. In doing this, we come to repent of our short comings. This is where our gracious God exudes His grace and His tender mercies upon our lives and forgives us. Our sins are now thrown into the sea of forgetfulness and we are given another chance. Not a chance to fix yesterday, but a chance to make the best of today and the days to come. What I have learned is yesterday is gone away, what are you doing today that counts?
Most of us struggle not with asking God to forgive us, but to forgive ourselves for the wrong we continually allowed, to forgive those that have done us wrong, as well as the wrong we've done to others. We often feel, hurt, confused, betrayed and traumatized. It has you questioning yourself as to what you could've done to deserve such things and how are you to ever move past the ordeal you find yourself in. Moving forward after traumatic encounters can take weeks for some, as well as months, and for others maybe even years. And to think that you could've avoided all of this had you just did it the God way.
Luckily, God doesn't leave us nor forsake us. He's there waiting with open arms for you to come back to Him and confess your sins so you can leave yesterday behind you, and focus on what lies ahead. You are not too far from God to come back home, never to damaged, messed up or burdened down, just don't stay where you are. Get on your knees and pray for forgiveness, forgive yourself. God is waiting on you!
Be blessed
caZd 💋

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2018 ⏰

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