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I've found that it is our obedience that truly helps us come out on top of each and every situation we face. whether we see it or not. Everything always works for our good, even when we don't understand it.
From personal expirence, I can honestly say I wouldn't be where I am today had I not listened to the voice of God. It was and still is His voice that leads me into the direction that I'm suppose to walk.
I'll be the first to admit that I didn't do things His way the whole way through, and that caused me greatly. Walking out of God's Will for your life not only affects you, but also others. There are others that rely on you to be obedient for them to receive their blessing. Think of it this way, if you went to the hospital for whatever reason because you need to see the doctor, only to discover all the doctors decided to stay home that day how would you feel? Not good. You know why because you were relying on them to be in position to do their job. That is how it is when were disobedient. We sometimes do not see the negative effects of our rebellion but people do.
When you're obedient there's a domino affect. Everything falls into place, for the best outcome possible whether you believe it or not. When you're disobedient you cause your blessings to be locked away from you.
How would you feel to know that all it takes to get what you've been praying for is for you to do what you know in your heart your suppose to do? It doesn't necessarily have to be something BIG that God requires you to do. It could be something we as humans count as simple, like mowing the lawn. It may sound stupid but sometimes the answer to my biggest problems comes out of something small. Who knows if while you are mowing the lawn you come across something that can change your life for the better. Don't underestimate God's power. May God just needs you to forgive someone/some people for the wrongs they've done you, even if they don't apologize. Sometimes you have to be okay with a sorry you've never received. I've learned that sometimes you have to be the one who apologizes even if you didn't do anything, you just need to set yourself free from what is holding you back. Get rid of the grudges, the jealously, envy and resentment you have towards some people, regardless what they have done to you. Honestly what are you gaining by holding on to it anyway? Those things are not things of God and prevent your heart from being truly purified.
However there are some who are called to fast, pray, get deeper in the word, let go, thats really all it takes, surrendering everything to God. Watch your blessings come running into you full speed, taking no turns whatsoever. Turning down your plate has many benefits. You get closer to God while killing your flesh and feeding your spirit with the things of God.
From personal expirence I can say that my blessings was wrapped into the thing I thought I was already doing, which was trusting God. I honestly I was trusting Him but I'd still go try do things way without even recognizing. The key to trusting God is to have faith in what you've asked for. How do you have faith? The bible says faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the word of God. (Romans10:17) Therefore in order for you to have faith you must read the word of God. The word trust literally means a firm belief in the reliability, truth, or ability of someone or something. The God we serve is able to do anything we believe, long as it's according to His Will, all in His timing, through Jesus Christ.
I know you may be thinking how can I be obedient if I dont know what God is asking me to do. Well the answer is simple, listen to that voice inside your head that we call out conscience. God speaks to us in numerous ways. In some situations He uses our conscience by telling us not to do something/ go somewhere etc.. Other times I've found He uses signs, such as quotes, post etc. You may also find that God uses people. They might not be the most religious person you know but God can still use them as the messenger especially when He really wants to get through to you. The biggest source of God speaking to us is through His Holy word, the bible. Try sitting down and actually reading it sometimes, you'll see that it isn't as 'boring' as you thought and isn't that difficult to understand. You just have to sit down and take your time and read it with the desire to want to know and understand what it is speaking about. Live by the bible, for it is the food to our soul and teaches us the likes and dislikes of our Father, you wont regret reading it. It empowers with far more wisdom and knowledge than you can ever imagine possible.

In closing, I'd like to encourage you to get your life on the right track. it may sound and seem hard but it all starts with on step in the right direction to change your life for the better. I won't sit here and say it's easy and you won't face anything, but God will never put more on you than you can bare. Keep the faith alive and trust God, daily. He'll make a way. Always remember; Your disobedience affects more than just you.

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