Chapter 2

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Twistedpaw raced up the slope, struggling to reach the camp before Badgerpaw did. He thrusted his paws forwards, putting all his effort into his run.

He saw a flash of black and white fur beside him for a heartbeat, then it disappeared, and Twistedpaw raced through the bush into the camp. "I win!" He panted as he reached inside. He turned. Badgerpaw thrust into camp, eyes blazing.

"I'll beat you next time," he promised.

Twistedpaw tilted his head. "Don't make promises you can't keep," he warned.

He and Badgerpaw had been best friends since they were kits- they loved spending time together and training together.

Miststar was perched on top of the Grandwillow, the meeting place for PineClan. She was stretching and yawning, her gaze looking exhausted. Her deputy, Duskpelt, was arguing with Hazelstripe about the best way to train an apprentice.

Nettlepaw was bounding across the clearing. "You're back!" She squeaked with delight. "So, Twistedpaw, how did you do?" Her blue eyes shone like pools of deep blue water, her pelt white as the frosty snow. I have the best sister ever, Twistedpaw thought with pride.

"Well.. no cat's perfect I guess.."

Nettlepaw gazed up at her brother with disbelief. "Have you still not memorized the hunter's crouch? For StarClan's sake Twistedpaw, we're nearly twelve moons old! I'd be sure you had it by now, even with a twisted tail like that," she added, glancing at her brother's deformed tail.

He twitched it nervously. "I-it's definitely not easy," he muttered, "All the extra work I have to do...."

"Stop being a mousebrain and stop being a lazy kittypet." Nettlepaw sighed. "You're going to be a PineClan warrior next moon, so you'll have to get a lot better."

Twistedpaw shifted his paws. "Yeah, I guess I do," he muttered. Glancing up, he added; "Should we go practice battle moves with Badgerpaw?" The black and white apprentice was batting the air, pretending to fight a warrior from another clan.

"Die!" He yowled. "Trespasser!" Twistedpaw and Nettlepaw ran up to him, ready to begin practicing their moves.

Sleep enfolded Twistedpaw immediately as he laid down in his nest. The Gathering was coming up tomorrow night; Twistedpaw was very excited to go, then next moon as a warrior. He knew for sure his name was going to be Twistedtail, but it didn't bother him. He was used to it, after all.

Twistedpaw woke to find himself in a little hole in the ground. Glancing up, he saw a tall, leafy tree towering above him. The Great Tree! Twistedpaw recognized it with a jolt. He was where the clans gathered!

The clearing looked tiny with no cats in it other than himself. He glanced up at the Great Tree, only to find a pawful of StarClan warriors sitting on top of it.

Twistedpaw was shocked to see a familiar black pelt, dotted with white. Her green eyes sparkled like little moons. Twistedpaw knew it was his grandmother Hollytail- so graceful in her movements, so sweet and welcoming.

"Twistedpaw," She whispered, her voice filled with grief and sadness. "Ohh Twistedpaw, I'm so very sorry...."

"Wh-why? What for?" Twistedpaw tilted his head curiously. My bad hunting skill?

"Twistedpaw..." She repeated, her eyes dulling out. Hollytail glanced up at the sky. Twistedpaw did the same, only to find the sleeping figure of Badgerpaw. Confused, he glanced back up at her.

"Is Badgerpaw okay?" He breathed worriedly. Was Badgerpaw unwell? Sick? Is he dead?

Twistedpaw's eyes jolted open. Leaping to his paws, he turned to run over to Badgerpaw's nest. Only to smell the fading scent of blood.

Badgerpaw wasn't in his nest.

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