Chapter 13

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"Let's just start hunting around here, okay?" Twistedsky suggested to the hunting party, hoping to ease the tension that had formed.

"Good idea," Honeywillow agreed quickly. The ginger she-cat was another young warrior in the clan, and though Twistedsky hadn't talked to her that much, she was nice enough.

The four cats split up, going their separate ways to hunt while staying around the same area. Once away from the others, Twistedsky lifted his nose to the air to smell for prey. Soon enough, he scented a squirrel, and headed towards the smell.

He spotted it sitting by the root of a pine tree, nibbling on a nut. He crouched down and made his way towards it carefully and slowly. Twistedsky got close enough to pounce, and before did his tail swished in excitement, rustling some leaves and startling the squirrel. It started running, and he chased after it- only to trip over the tree root.

"Fox-dung!" Twistedsky swore under his breath, and heard a snort of amusement from behind him.

"Oh c'mon Twisted', you're a warrior now and you still can't hunt?" Twistedsky turned around to see Badgerstripe, and his pelt went hot in embarrassment.

"S-shut up! It's not like that squirrel would've tasted good anyways." Twistedsky said defiantly, turning his head away.

"If you say so," amusement still lingered in Badgerstripe's voice.

Twistedsky suddenly remembered the weird feelings he would have around his friend, and an idea rose in his mind. "Hey Badgerstripe... after we're done hunting, can we talk, in private?"

"Sure thing," Badgerstripe replied with a nod.


Twistedsky and Badgerstripe sat alone together in a small clearing. They had brought all the prey their patrol had caught back to camp before heading out again.

"So, what's up?" Badgerstripe asked curiously.

Twistedsky felt his pelt heat up again, and wondered if this was really a good idea. What if he thinks I'm weird and doesn't want to be my friend anymore? He quickly shoved that thought away. We've been friends since we were kits, some silly thing like this couldn't end that.

Twistedsky took in a deep breath before starting to speak. "Well... lately I've been feeling a little... off." He stated.

"What kind of off? Do you feel sick or something?" Badgerstripe suggested.

"No, I don't think it's anything like that," Twistedsky continued, looking down. "It's only ever around you, and when I'm close to you... I get this warm feeling... it's weird but nice... and whenever I'm around you, I'm happier than I am with anyone else..." He trailed off, unsure of what else to say, or do.

Badgerstripe was quiet for a moment before he spoke up. "I know what you mean." Twistedsky quickly looked up, a little surprised. "I get that warm feeling too, and I feel like I have to get closer to you every chance I get."

Twistedsky let out a sigh of relief. "I'm so glad it's not just me."

"Me too...." Badgerstripe muttered, and padded closer, pressing his nose against the tabby's.

Twistedsky let out a purr, feeling like him and Badgerstripe were the only two cats in the world. Too bad that wasn't true.


Nettleskip had to hold back the gasp of horror as she watched the scene play out in front of her. She had followed the two toms out of camp in the hope that she could catch Badgerstripe alone, but had never expected to see this.

It felt so wrong, so unnatural. They're both toms, basically admitting their crushes to each other. Both toms!

Nettleskip felt as if she could throw up. The worst part was that one of them was her own brother, and the other the love of her life. Does he really prefer another tom, over a she-cat like me?

The white cat couldn't take it anymore, and burst out of her hiding spot. Both the toms quickly jumped away from each other, but that wasn't going to fool Nettleskip one bit.

"What do you think you're doing?!" She blurt out, unaware of what she was saying, and just letting her feelings speak for her. "That's not right! You're both toms!"

Twistedsky's shocked look turned to one of anger. "Hey! It's not-"

Nettleskip cut him off. "Don't make excuses, I was here the whole time." She then looked to Badgerstripe, and it felt as if claws were digging at her heart. This was the cat she loved. "Is this why you keep avoiding me? You prefer my brother over me?"

"I'm sorry Nettleskip, I've just never felt that way about you." Badgerstripe said hesitantly.

The claws dug deeper. "Okay then..." She paused for a second, eyes shifting between the toms. "I'm sure the clan would love to hear about how happy you make each other, especially the fact that you're both male."

"You wouldn't." Twistedsky glared at her, stepping forward.

Ignoring him, Nettleskip continued. "I bet Brookmist and Nutclaw would love to know how their son is in love with a tom, I wonder what they would think."

"Leave our parents out of this!" Twistedsky growled.

Nettleskip stopped holding herself back, and just let everything out. "How could you Twistedsky?! And the day after I told you I loved him, too! Don't you care at all?! All I wanted was to be happy, have a family, and have you support me! Is that really so much?!" Nettleskip felt her whole body was shaking, and found it hard to stand up straight.

"It's not my fault it ended up like this. Don't you ever think about anyone else? I can't control how I feel, neither can Badgerstripe. Just get over yourself and find another tom if you want a family so badly- there's plenty of them out there, not just him." Twistedsky replied defensively, placing himself almost protectively in front of Badgerstripe.

"Fine then, maybe I will! And he'll be better than you... you freaks!" Nettleskip quickly turned around and stomped away, feeling angry, yes, but most of all, heartbroken.

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