Chapter 14

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Twistedsky's heart melted as his sister left.  I didn't want it to end up like this... he told himself quietly.  "I-I'm sorry,"  Twistedsky blurted out to Badgerstripe.  "I broke her heart..."

"No, no, I did, because Nettleskip loved me.  Or, if you prefer...maybe both of us kinda did."

Twistedsky let out a sad sniffle.  "I didn't want it to be like this," he meowed sadly.  "Do you think she'll forgive me?"

Badgerstripe nodded.  "Yes, I know she'll forgive you."

"Also..."  Twistedsky stumbled.

"Yes?"  Badgerstripe prompted.

"I-I... Well, Nettleskip says that we're both toms, but..."  Twistedsky couldn't hold it back any longer.  He felt a huge weight fall off his shoulders as he spoke.  "Badgerstripe!  I-I think I'm a tom, and I love another tom!  And guess what else; it doesn't feel weird at all!" he exclaimed.

Badgerstripe flinched at his loud exclamation.  "Shush!" he snapped.  "We don't want another cat to hear... hear that I agree with you."

Twistedsky's heart beamed with love and joy.  The cat of his dreams loved him back...


Twistedsky bounded up to the nursery.  They had a new queen in the Clan that was expecting kits!  Twistedsky asked Miststar to train one, and she said they'd have to see about that first.

"Hey, Primroseflower," he meowed to the she-cat.  "I'm so excited to see your kits!  Have you thought of their names yet?"

Primeroseflower's eyes were gleaming with pride.  "So glad the Clan's newest warrior is thinking about my kits," she purred.  "Why, yes, me and my mate have thought of a she-kit and a tom name.  Its Marigoldkit and Dovekit that will soon arrive to the world," she purred.  "Only a half moon 'till they're born, so I decided I'm ready for the nursery.  Stonenose and I thought it thoroughly through."

Blossomtuft was yowling in the middle of the clearing, Nettleskip by her side.  "Badgerstripe doesn't love you?  Who could he love, then?" she wailed.  "You two miserable cats would be a perfect pair!"

Nettleskip glared at her for the cutting remark.  But, she opened her jaws and said, "As a matter o--"

"Hey, Nettleskip!"  Twistedsky bowled playfully into his sister.  "Whatcha doin', trespasser?  Trespassing on our territory, eh?"  He remembered the two cats' favorite game when they had been kits. 

But Nettleskip's eyes were dark and jealous.  "Get off me," she meowed cooly.  "Please, Twistedsky?"

Twistedsky slowly got off his sister.  "Um... are you okay?" he asked.  "You used to love that game."

"Not anymore."  Nettleskip flicked her tail impatiently.  "Hey, Blossomtuft, nevermind.  Hey, who's your favorite tom?  Clawpelt or Scarface?"  The she-cats began talking about the toms that they loved.

Twistedsky's heart sunk to the bottom of the world.  Was... was his own sister shunning him out?


Nettleskip nodded.  "Of course, they're both jerks," she responded to Blossomtuft.  "But Scarface is so cute!"

Blossomtuft nodded, her eyes glowing.  "He's my adorable lil' kitty!  And I might prefer him, too.  Who do you think I should love?  Because Clawpelt is so loyal and trustworthy, yet Scarface is so adorable and not quite as lazy."

Nettleskip purred with amusement.  "Scarface!  He's the best!"

Blossomtuft tilted her head.  "Hey, do you think that Rainpuddle likes you?" she asked.  "He seems to talk to you often."

Nettleskip felt a blush coming along.  "Y-you really think so?"  There! She could hit Badgerstripe right in the nose!  He'd feel so jealous that he'd beg to be with Nettleskip, and of course, Nettleskip would say "yes" and totally dump Rainpuddle in the mud!

...But was it possible to change the toms' minds about being a little different, loving their same gender?  And would it, could it influence other cats to do the same, be the same as their idols?

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