Chapter 4

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Echizen gave Atobe the most annoyed look as he poked his head out of a window.

"Is there something wrong with Ore-sama's transportation?"

Echizen really didn't want to argue. All he wanted to do was get on the bus and sleep. Atobe scanned the regulars until he saw a face he didn't recognize. "Who are you?" he pointed to Ryoga.

"Ah, Echizen Ryoga. Yoroshikune." He replied with a bow. "I'm this guy's aniki." He placed his hand on Echizen's head.

"Eh? The brat has a brother?" Atobe was a little shocked.

"At least I'm not a monkey." Echizen removed Ryoga's hand. One of Atobe's veins popped.

"Oi, are we going to stay here all day?" Jirou shouted from inside the bus. "Let's get going!" Everyone was a little surprised to see Jirou awake. The thought of 'Maybe, he's nocturnal.' popped into a few minds of the regulars.

The door to the bus opened and all the regulars piled in. Since the bus was massive, they were all able to get their own seats. Echizen went straight to the back of the bus and made a pillow with his bag, placed it on one of the seats, raised the arm rest and laid down to sleep.


After what seemed like an hour or two on the bus, they finally arrive at the campsite. It sort of looked like a training camp but without any courts and it was on top of a mountain practically in the middle. The bus driver almost got lost trying to find the right way.

"Welcome" Atobe stood up. "To the Hyoutei Academy Camp Grounds."

The Seigaku regulars, except Echizen and Tezuka, all looked out the windows in awe. For once, it was actually like Atobe said it would be. There were fire pits, tables, cabins, all the things you would need to go camping. There weren't even any of Atobe's servants there. They were really the only ones.

After waking Echizen and Jirou up, everyone exited the bus, thanked the driver and walked up to one of the tables.

"First order of business," Atobe automatically elected himself leader. "we need to decide who is sleeping where."

"Well, Echizen and Jirou-sempai are over there." Momo pointed to a table not too far away where Echizen and Jirou were both asleep with their heads resting on it. Snickers were heard from both sets of students.

Atobe cleared his throat. "Anyway, Ore-sama has devised a magnificent plan. Kabaji."

"Usu." Kabaji set Atobe's bags down. Atobe got into the smaller one and pulled out a bag with slips of paper in it.

"We'll decide at random. Ore-sama will choose a name then the one whose name is drawn will choose one. We have six cabins and there are eighteen of us so we will be in groups of three. Ore-sama will choose first." Atobe reached his hand into the bag and pulled out a slip of paper. "Inui."

Everyone looked at Inui. He was face deep in his notebook scribbling notes and flipping pages like mad.

"Inui." Atobe called him again.

"Hm? Nani?" Inui pulled his face from his notebook.

"Saa, you need to choose a someone." Fuji said pointing to the bag.

"Ah." He walked to Atobe and slipped his hand into the bag. "Gakuto."

They all looked at him. "Hah. I guess that I can deal with that." Gakuto said with a bored tone.

"These will be the people who are in Cabin One. Gakuto, pick the first one for Cabin Two." Atobe gestured to the three then shifted the bag towards him and he reached in and pick out a slip of paper.

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