Chapter 8

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Jirou and Choutaro took the liberty of making up a bed for Ryoga and calling Kikumaru so he wouldn't be worried. The day that followed wasn't much better than the previous. The wind and rain had let up slightly but still, no one could see more than two feet in front of them.

When each cabin awoke, they went to see how Echizen was doing. Unfortunately, there had been no change. He hadn't moved, let alone said anything since the previous day. Ryoga was feeling much better though. His fever was gone, he no longer had double vision and it no longer hurt to breath but he still felt a bit dizzy.

Group by group, everyone came to see them. Oshitari had bags under his eyes and everyone assumed that Inui did too. They stayed up all night trying to figure out what was in that bag that was on Echizen's things. They had deduced that it was made up of two or more types of plants native to that part of the mountain that cause hallucinations, fevers, dizziness, sore mouth, throat, eyes and other various things. They figured that they would go looking for the plants when the storm cleared up. Hopefully, for Echizen's sake, it would be soon.

Two days went by and the camping trip was just about over. The storm finally seemed to be calming down a bit. Echizen hadn't moved, Ryoga either. He refused to leave his brother's side until he showed signs of getting better or even life for that matter. Everyone took turns bring him food and asking if he wanted a break. He barely touched the food and declined the breaks, wanting to stay by Echizen's side. Oishi and Choutaro were getting more worried by the minute.

"Ryoga-san, you really ought to take a break." Oishi said.

"Everyone is worried about you." Choutaro added.

Ryoga looked at Echizen then the two worried boys in front of him. "Iya, I don't feel like he's safe."

"Demo, this isn't good for your health." Oishi turned mother hen.

Ryoga turned away from them and looked back at Echizen. "Until the bastard who did this is found, I'm not leaving him"

Choutaro and Oishi gave each other nervous looks.

"Ah well, we're all going out to look for the plants that were used to make the substance in the bag. Kaidou, Hiyoshi and Gakuto will be in their cabins if you need anything." Choutaro said.

"Arigatou you two. And to everyone for caring about him so much." Ryoga gave them a smile.

"Of course. He's our teammate and friend. To most of us, he's also a little brother. We know how you feel Ryoga-san." Oishi returned the smile. With that, Oishi and Choutaro left and joined everyone else in the search of the cause and cure for Echizen's sickness.

Ryoga was left alone in the cabin once again. It was quiet. He rewet the cloth on Echizen's forehead. He wished his brother would wake up.

"Chibisuke, please wake up soon. "


Inside Echizen's Head. Echizen POV.

Mattaku. Stupid alarm clock. I hate that imprudent thing. Every single morning, it's the same stupid beeping. I don't know why Buchou needs to make practice so early. But, I guess it's not totally his fault. If school started later, that would be fine.

It's the same boring routine every morning. I got woken up by my annoying alarm and/or Karupin then got changed and went downstairs to find either Kaa-san or Nanako making breakfast. I ate it while my baka Oyaji pestered me about if I'm going on a date or not. I still can't believe that he really thinks that I would get up that early for a girl.

Halfway thought my less than appetizing American breakfast, Momo-sempai started calling for me, shouting that Buchou would make us run if we were late again. Hastily, I grabbed my things and met Momo-sempai outside.

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