If you'll be my star, I'll be your sky - Chapter 1

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(Louis Diary)

Hai, my names Louis Tomlinson, I’m 19 years old and I live in Doncaster with my mum and my 4 sisters. I go to University like any normal lad and I play for the football team, the Doncaster Rovers. I enjoy going out with my friends to parties and just hanging around with them but I also love spending some time on my own. I love my life and the people in it, I’ve always tried to treat people the way I want them to treat me and it’s always worked out fine, never had a problem until Stan moved close by, he’s the University bully, always picking on anyone smaller than him and because I’m not very tall I’m always the one he decides to pick on.

My friends would always stick up for me though, I’m so glad I have them, Liam is my best friend always helping me out. He’s the schools best student, but that doesn’t mean he can’t throw a punch. Then there’s Zayn, the University’s bad boy, always getting into trouble that one. You can never trust one of his famous plans because most likely they would end up with you in jail but that doesn’t mean he’s always like that. I think since he met me and Liam he’s calmed down a lot, he doesn’t get into as much trouble as he used to but he has his moments.

I met Liam a couple of years back, we used to go to school together. The first day we met we basically became the best of friends, I don’t know why but there’s just something about Liam that makes me feel like I’ve known him forever. It wasn’t until I started University that I met Zayn, I’d hear about him and what not because Liam and Zayn were good friends but he was always busy so I didn’t officially get to meet him before then. We became close quite quickly and I soon found out that actually Liam and Zayn had been dating for a while. Of course this didn’t bother me because I mean why would it? The only thing that bothered me was that he didn’t tell me!

I’ve been questioning my sexuality recently, I’m not sure what it is but I just feel like men are more attractive than women. Don’t get me wrong, I love women it’s just I like men better. I’m not sure if I’m gay or just bi because I’ve had sex with a girl before and well it’s nice but I just don’t see what everyone’s going on about how it’s amazing, maybe it’s just because I haven’t found the right person yet, I don’t know but hopefully I’ll find out sometime soon.

(Louis POV)

It’s a lovely Sunday morning, I’m sat with my mum and my sisters enjoying breakfast. The birds are chirping away outside and as far as I can see it’s a lovely sunny day. Sunday is one of my favourite days of the week, I get to go to football training then come home and relax on my laptop listening to music and playing whatever games I want with my friends if they come over, although today none of my friends were coming over and because Liam had to help his mum out with something that he told me was a family thing and Zayn was away to try another plan of his out, he asked me to join but I didn’t feel like ending up in jail today.

Once breakfast was finished I quickly ran upstairs to get a shower and get changed into my football gear. I turned on the hot water letting it heat up before turning on the cold just enough for the perfect temperature while stripping off and jumping in. I loved showers, they were always so relaxing and refreshing plus they also keep you clean and I may not be the tidiest when it comes to my bedroom but I do like to keep myself clean.

After my shower I got into my football strip and grabbed my training bag, making sure I have everything. I went back downstairs to get my lunch from the kitchen, mum always made my lunch for me.

“That’s me away mum, I’ll be back around 2!” I shouted as I was about to leave the house only to hear a racket of footsteps running downstairs as my sisters came running down with their arms wide open. I gave them all a kiss and a hug before saying my goodbyes and leaving the house.

I loved walking to football practice, the University wasn’t very far from my house, only a couple of streets so it wouldn’t take me very long to get there. The walk was always so quiet and the streets always looked so beautiful especially when it was super sunny like today, there isn’t even a cloud in the sky. Perfect for training I thought. I’m so glad that it’s almost summer, it’s my favourite time of the year. I know I sound like a little kid but I really do love running around in shorts and no t-shirt playing football with my friends or having water fights, I also love tanning, I may sound like a total girl saying that but I really do love it when I have a tan, it make my skin look better, plus I tan really well anyways so why waste it?

When football training was over I walked back to the house, changed out of my strip and put it in the washing for next Sunday. Mum was out at the shop with the girls like she always was when I got home from training which left me the house all to myself. I usually sat in my room on my laptop listening to music until they get home but it was a gorgeous day so I decided I’m going to sit outside with my laptop instead.

I hate it when my friends have other things to do, I know that sounds selfish but on a Sunday there isn’t much to do. I’m just sat in the back garden in nothing but my shorts to get a tan with music on. Mum wouldn’t be back for another hour because the girls always wanted to go to the park on the way back. I was scrolling through some games on my laptop when I came across a link saying “Share on tumblr” I’ve never heard of tumblr before, well I have but only that it’s a blogging site. I’ve never really taken any interest in it before but since I have nothing else to do I might just sign up and see what it’s like and if I like it I’ll keep it? Yeah that sounds alright.

“Trying to find the perfect URL is so hard, they’re either taken or too long”

I thought to myself, but after about an hour of thinking I finally came up with one


I know it’s pretty bad, but nobody is going to see it apart from me and people I don’t know right?

I was spending ages trying to get the perfect theme, everyone I came across was either crap or cost money. As the time went on and I still hadn’t come across a perfect theme I picked anyone and saved it before I got really annoyed at it. Since I don’t exactly know how to use tumblr yet I’m just searching up Coldplay and scrolling through that tag and following random blogs. I really enjoy tumblr and I think I’m going to stick with it.

As I’m listening to my music I feel a tap on my shoulder and I jump not knowing my mum was home.

“Dinners ready Lou-iee” Phoebe said before giggling and running away back inside. I put my laptop on sleep and went in for dinner, I will most definitely be going back to tumblr later!

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