If You'll be my star, I'll be your sky - Chapter 2

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AN: I’m sorry that this was late and kind of sucks but I tried and it’s early in the morning so xD but anyways I hope you enjoy it and I shall try and get the next chapter up to you tomorrow! Thanks for reading<3xx

(Louis POV)

I made sure to eat my dinner a little faster than usual, my mum wasn’t too happy with me excusing myself early but just sighed at me before asking

“Lou, aren’t you going to watch a film with me and the girls? Remember we do this every Sunday because Sunday is family night”

“I know mum but I’m just really tired from training today so I’m going to bed early, Sorry I’ll make sure to spend time with you and the girls tomorrow”

“Alright love, sleep well”

“I will, love you”

“I love you too”

“Goodnight girls”

“Goodnight Lou” my sisters sang together like they always did. I quickly hugged them all before running upstairs with my laptop in hand. As soon as I got in my room and the door was shut I stripped off into my boxers and climbed into bed, getting comfy and then opening up my laptop again.

I turned my music on and opened up tumblr, scrolling through the Coldplay tag once again. I didn’t follow many people nor had any followers since I had just started it but I was enjoying scrolling through the tags anyways. I started following random people that had some great funny posts but was also following people with the same interests as me. I still don’t exactly know how to use the site but I’m just doing anything and hopping it works out, I mean what exactly can go wrong?

The next few weeks were just as normal as ever except the more and more time I spent on tumblr whenever I could. Mum was starting to get mad at me because I’m mostly always in my room on the laptop now, even when my friends come over sometimes I just don’t feel like going out, I would rather just sit in and talk to people on tumblr. I’ve gotten a lot more followers now and some of them talk to me, they’re such nice people and we have a lot in common, well obviously I did find them on the tags I like but still they’ve became my friends.

I’ve met this one lad called Niall, he’s Irish and is completely hilarious! Always cracking jokes that one. I’ve skyped with him a few times and pretty hot if I must say. He has blonde hair with brownish roots, amazing blue eyes and a smile that could brighten up the world. His laugh is infectious, there is no way you can’t laugh when he’s laughing. I’ve learned a lot about him, I know that he’s 18 turning 19 in September, he’s from Mullingar and he has a brother named Greg. I’ve also learned that he’s a Uni student too but he isn’t into sports he’s more into music, he can sing and play the guitar. I’ve heard him play the guitar and sing a little and I must say he is really good, I keep telling him he should go on a show or something because he has some serious talent, but he just says he’s way too nervous.

“Can you sing?” Niall asked me one night we were on Skype call.

“Erm, not really, maybe just a little I guess?” I replied being a little nervous. My mum had always said I could sing but I never really believed her because well she’s my mum, she wouldn’t say anything to hurt my feelings right?

“Sing me something, pweasee?” Niall practically begged.

“I’m not so sure if that’s a good idea…” I trailed off

“Sure it is, please for me?” he gave me the puppy dog eyes and I mean who can say no to them? With his amazing eyes the puppy dog eyes are irresistible.

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