If You'll Be My Star, I'll Be Your Sky - Chapter 4

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AN: Well guys, this is a longer chapter with 2,900 words because well I know I've not been updating much recently and well Idk this just felt like a chapter that needed to be longer, so here you go I might post chapter 5 later tonight depending on if I actually get around to writing it, if not it will be up in the next few days. I don't think there's going to be any more than 10 chapter son this, there might only be another 3-4 at most I'm not sure. Anyways can you maybe comment what you think? and vote aswell please thank you loves!xx

(Louis POV)

Saturday morning, I wake up with a shake and Phoebe by my side, what time is it? And why is Phoebe waking me up, she never wakes me up.

“Phoebe, what time is it? And why are you waking me up?” I ask rubbing my eyes slightly to get rid of the sleep.

“Lou it’s 2pm, mum asked me to come and get you up because you’re being lazy” she answered with a smirk on her face, have I really slept till 2pm?

“It’s 2pm! Well I guess I needed the sleep then” I say chuckling and reaching forward to tickle her sides but she runs away before I could reach her, she’s way too fast for me!

I quickly go jump in the shower, get dressed and fix my hair before going downstairs. Mum’s going to be really pissed at me for sleeping this late, but oh well it’s the weekend, I deserve to sleep later right? Anyways, as I walk into the kitchen I can smell pancakes, mmm mum knows I love to wake up to pancakes, there’s nobody in the kitchen though, which is weird because mum never leaves just food out, it has to be all finished. I take the butter out of the fridge and butter my pancakes before grabbing a fork and knife and making my way out the backdoor, which seems to be open. As I make my way out the backdoor I can feel a sudden urge to panic, but it’s soon cleared when I see it’s just the girls playing around with mum in the sandpit. I quickly sit down on the chair and tuck into my pancakes, mmm mum really does make the best pancakes ever!

“Afternoon, how are you enjoying your pancakes?” mum asks coming over and sitting next to me while trying to get all the sand of her.

“Afternoon, sorry I slept so late, I was late talking to a friend because we lost track of time and you know fine that I love your pancakes, well your cooking all together” I say as I finish off the pancakes, wiping my mouth with the side of my hand afterwards only to receive a groan and a “we have napkins for a reason” look off my mother. I just smile before going over to play with the girls for a little while, I would love to just go up and sit on my laptop talking to Harry but well I don’t know if he’ll be busy and it’s a beautiful day, we don’t get many of them here, plus my mum would kill me if I stayed cooped up all day so I’ll just talk to him after dinner.

Playing with the girls was great! We were building sandcastles, having water fights and even dragging mum into playing tag with us! But the whole time I just couldn’t get my mind off Harry, I keep thinking what if he’s online waiting on me? But then I would realise that he isn’t sad and actually has a life, plus I probably don’t even matter that much to him so he won’t even be bothered that I’m not online. I’m sat in the sandpit trying to get this sandcastle to be perfect but it’s just not happening, the girls are trying harder than I am to get this to work so I just sit back and let them do it, because if I’m honest I’ll probably knock it over or something. I lay back propped up on my elbows with my eyes closed enjoying the warm heat of the sun beating down. I can’t help the thoughts of Harry as they swarm around my head buzzing like bees, I can’t get that fucking kid out of my mind, It’s just a silly little crush that I’ll get over sooner or later, in fact I’m not even sure that it is a crush, oh well. 

Just the way he fixes his hair, and his deep masculine voice, his toned arms and his dimples, god they send shivers down my back just thinking about it. The things he could do with those arms, and his massive hands, man they would come in handy for-

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