If you'll be my star, I'll be your sky - Chapter 3

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AN: I'm so sorry I took ages to update! I've been busy and I had writers block then I got lazy and didn't have my laptop plus I've been at the doctors a lot and ahh it's been a nightmare but here you go and I hope you like it, the next chapter should be up sometime in the next week and I will try and make sure I stick to that! Also some comments on what you think about this would be helpful, I'm not sure if it's good or not and vote please!xx

(Louis POV)

I had a hard couple of weeks at Uni with training and classes but it passed fairly quickly. It’s Friday and I’m sat in my room on my laptop talking to Niall and Harry. I’ve not spoken to them since Sunday night because I’ve been that busy so it’s finally good to get online. I can’t wait to talk to Harry again, I know I’ve only spoken to him once but I really like him, I think from what I know about him, which isn’t very much, he’s a really lovely person and he’s really fun to be around.

I quickly sign onto Skype and the minute I do I’m getting a call request from Harry, that’s weird. I’ve only spoken to him once so why is he calling me? Maybe Niall is at his house or something because Niall did mention that Niall and Harry only stay a couple of houses away from each other, but what if Niall isn’t at Harry’s and he just wants to talk to me, will I be able to keep up a conversation with him? Or will it be awkward? Well, I guess there’s only one way to find out isn’t there?

I answer the call while trying to fix out my hair and making sure it’s fine, it’s not that I’m trying to impress Harry it’s just, who am I kidding of course I’m trying to impress him! I know he’s not gay but he’s gorgeous and I really like him so it’s worth a shot right?

“Stop fixing your hair, it looks fine” I hear a low, manly voice chuckle as his camera loads.

“Psh shut it curly! We can’t all have perfect hair like yours, this perfection takes effort” I reply, throwing in a sassy wink at the end.

“Ah well, I guess I’m just lucky then” he winked back at me.

Did I just imagine that? Did he really just flirt with me? No he’s just being funny, don’t make a big deal out of the Louis.

“So where’s Nialler?” I ask

“Oh yeah I forgot to say, Niall’s away on holiday for the weekend, he told me a couple of days ago but since you’ve not been on he told me to tell you.” Harry replied.

“I see, well can I ask why you called me?” I ask smiling at the thought that he did actually call me, not that I’m complaining because why would I? I’m just curious.

“ I called to tell you about Nialler and to get to know you better, you seem nice, why, am I not worthy enough to speak to you?” Harry says back acting fake hurt

“Nono that’s not why I’m asking, I was just curious since we’ve only talked once before.”

“Exactly! That’s why I’m calling, to talk to you more and get to know you”

Don’t freak out Louis, he only wants to get to know you, which means you’ll get to know him more, YES! Okay okay calm down it’s nothing to freak out about. He’s may be gorgeous, have beautiful eyes and everything but there has to be something wrong with him right? Nobody is perfect.

“Well what would you like to know about me then curly?” I say cheerfully, hoping that he’ll ask some questions because quite frankly I don’t have a clue what to tell him.

“Everything!” he replies cheerfully. Great! I don’t even know where to start, this should be fun.

I explain everything to Harry, about myself, where I live, who I like with, how I met Niall and so on but I wasn’t exactly sure if I should tell him I’m gay or not, by the look on Harry’s face I think he’s enjoying me going on about myself so I think I should tell him, but on the other hand I don’t know if he’s homophobic or if it would just be weird.

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