I Like you

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I sat on the desk by the window, I look outside to see heavy drops of water come pounding down on the cement outside. I couldn't wait to go home, grey clouds casted above the roof, and noisy students around chatted.
"Hey." I heard a voice, at first I didn't think it was for me. I kept my eyes glued out that window, letting my mind wander freely, the soothing rhythm of the heavy rain is music to my ears.
"Hey.." This time a hand waved in front of my eyes. I was kind of annoyed at this point, I turned my head and tilted my chin slightly upward to face the girl. Her skin was fair and her cheeks rosy. Her eyes were the color of the rain drops, and clouds. Grey and light.
"What do you want?" I clasped my hands together and stared at her, she smiled. Her lips kinda twitched before talking. She was lean, and her jet black hair was braided to her left shoulder and fell on her chest.
"I-I'm Dillon." She said shakily. She extended a wavering hand towards me, I hesitated before shaking it. I didn't want to answer, I was just planning to not talk at all, but instead after a little pause she spoke for me.
"O-oh you don't need to tell me who you are... I.. You're Estelle Manning.. Top student in the grade.... I'm just..hm I'm." She kept opening and closing mouth and random words would just spill out. Of course I know who this girl is, she didn't even need to tell me. She's a cheerleader, or in the drill team at least . Whatever, they won last year? I think they did. Yeah there's a big shiny trophy in the hallway. Dillon Reeves. Annoying alert.
"Ok, I already know who you are Dillon Reeves. So what do you want?" I said, breaking the awkwardness. It's still awkward. She looked at me her face was blushed, and she stared, at first I thought she was looking at Luke Chestbrier , the guy behind me. He is kinda hot, not my type, but hot. The girl looked infatuated.
"I-I was wondering... If you don't mind. Would you.. Like to hang out after school?" She sputtered. I looked at her confused, then rejected.
"No thanks. I feel like going home after school." I replied coldly. I know, I can be so straightforward its cold. Well no actually.. I should say gay-forward? Ahahaha... Yeah that joke escalated.
"That's...too bad." She pouted, her bottom lip quivering. I didn't let that phase me. I stared back out the window.
"Well if you change your mind. I'll be near the entrance.." She spoke. He voice was hesitant.
I kept staring outside, I can see the fog up to my breaths.
What I didn't see, was the sinister smirk behind me before Dillon Reeves left.
I decided to stay a little longer after school, the entrance gates were crowded with students and groups were talking about there day or gossiping and what not. I bought a hot can of soup from a vending machine downstairs in the cafeteria. It was warm to the touch, and I sighed as I pressed the can on my cheek.
"Hah.." I checked my watch. It had only been about ten minutes, the amount of students should be small now since it's cold outside. I decided to buy another can for my brother Hansel. I tucked the warm can in my pocket.
Down the hall there was silence, it was calming and uneasy at the same time, teachers were in the classroom working and grading, and the hall was dim and shadowed. It gave quite a cold atmosphere. As I trudged through the halls to the front doors there wasn't anybody anywhere. I wasn't concerned or anything, it was a little weird, typically there would be some loner students sitting on the benches or some 'caring' teachers to wave there students off home.
I took my umbrella from the rack and zipped up my black north face jacket. Touching the cold handle sent a shiver down my back, and a gust of cool wind hit my face.
Great and I'm wearing a skirt too.
I didn't want to get my uniform wet, but I also wanted to go home. The courtyard was empty, that's alright. I took a sharp breath and headed out, walking down the concrete, I can feel drops of water pad against the top of the umbrella. It wasn't pleasant, but it isn't unpleasant either. I can feel my socks start to soak from the puddles as I stepped forward home. I can see my breath, steaming away from my lips as I exhaled.
"Can I walk with you now?" A voice said as I got near the entrance gate. Great, it's Dillon Reeves. I ignored the question and kept walking, I passed Dillon at the entrance, her dark hair wet as if she just had a bucket of water dumped on top of her head, her icy cool light grey eyes followed me. I had to admit she looked kind of hot, her uniform was soaked, and she didn't even bother to put on a sweater. I can see the tiny goosebumps on her slender arms as she hugged herself to stay warm. It wasn't my business, that's her problem.
"Hey.. Hey!" She said as I walked farther passed her. Then with a quick breath of air, she started to pick up her pace and now she is following me. Great.
"What do you want?" I turned my body and she abruptly stopped on the spot. Her cheeks were even more rosier and a drop of rain dripped off the tip of her nose.
"I-I want to walk with you home..." She started. Ok I was annoyed.
"Hah..." I sighed and turned around. "My house is right around the corner, come here. Your gonna catch a cold."
Her face lit up, and she ran in my direction.
"Hold this real quick." I handed her the umbrella from my hand and unzipped my coat. She looked at me wide eyed.
"Ah! N-no you don't need-"
"It's alright." I interrupted her and wrapped my coat around her shoulder and I took the umbrella from her hand. She was a little bit taller, but it was only like a centimeter, you can barely even tell.
We walked silently, the rosiness in her nose and cheeks, the drops that dropped of her wet hair, falling from her chin. It made me nervous.
We finally turned the corner and I invited her in.
"My parents are in Denmark for this and next week, so they won't be back for a while." I said unlocking the door.
"So your living alone for now?"
"Yeah. It seems so I guess. my little brother is still in school so technically not that alone. "
I closed the door, and went to grab two towels.
"You want some extra clothes to wear? I have plenty." I assured.
"Yes please, thank you. Oh! And what do I do with the soup in your pocket?"
I almost forgot about the soup.
"Just put it on the table."
I went into my room and changed into some shorts and a tank top. When I finished I grabbed the other dry towel and headed to the living room where my guest awaited.
"Here." Instead of just giving her the towel, I started drying her hair myself. The expression on her face was filled with blush and embarrassment. She was about to say something, but she just went silent. It was too silent.
I looked at her face, her eyes were focused a bit lower towards the ground. At my legs? I smirked.
Is she checking me out. I couldn't help but think.
"There. Come inside my room, the clothes are in there." I left the towel on her head and pointed at my rooms door. She looked at me and then tried to avert my gaze. I turned on the light and sat on my bed. She came in behind me and stood there like a speechless dummy. I pointed at the dresser.
"In there." I said, and I grabbed a magazine from the ground. She opened the drawers and got out a t-shirt and skirt.
I didn't quite notice before, but she really is wet from top to bottom, I blushed because I can see through her uniform shirt, her bra was blue and lacey why is it Lacey? She's only a highschool student and she's wearing stuff like that? I can see her stomach and shoulders, she was thin and healthy, as she bent down I can feel even more heated.
"I'll change into these in the bathroom." She said as she turned, I quickly averted my eyes.
"Y-yeah.. It's on your left in the hallway." I piped.
She nodded and took the clothes in both arms and headed out.
I took a deep breath. What am I doing?
I just kept reading the magazine my hand, it was something about Kim Kardashian or something, I didn't really care.
A few minutes later, Dillon came in.
"Um.." She peeked.
"Those clothes look good on you." I complimented. She blushed how cute.
"Thanks." She uttered as she sat next to me.
I put down the magazine and looked at her, she looked at me, we looked at each other. I crossed my legs.
"So what do you want now?" I asked.
Her soft smile, turned into a smirk and in a split second I was pushed on my back on the bed, her hands on my shoulders, her body on top of mine.
"Uh-" I started.
"I like you." She interrupted "I like you a lot."
She touched my warm cheek and caressed it gently.
What do I do? It's not like I don't like her, but it's not like I like her either. I have mixed feelings.
"I-I don't know how to respond." I said turning my head, she used her hand to bring me back up to see her.
"You never look at me, you always look outside that old window. I'm starting to get jealous of that window now" she said. I stared into her cold icy grey eyes.
"I don't understand." I murmured
"I want you." She leaned closer and whispered into my ear, making me heat up again.
"Estelle..." Her voice was barely audible, and we were so close, the tip of our noses touching, she tilted her head, her eyes were half closed. I took a sharp breath and closed my eyes. Then I felt a thump there was a long pause.
"D-Dillon?" I whispered, and I opened my eyes. Her body was still on top of me, but her face was on the side of my neck, she breathed deeply, I can see her back rise and fall in rhythm.
She fell asleep? I was skeptic at first then I brought a hand to her forehead. Damn I knew it, jeez this girl. Her face was burning up, I carefully pushed her body and laid her down gently so she can rest, I covered her with my blanket and went to grab a cold mini towel for her forehead.
I knew she would get a fever. I kept room warm, and I heard the front door unlocked.
"Estelle? I'm home." Hansel called. I closed my bedroom door and quickly and quietly ran toward Hansel and covered his mouth.
"Shut up! We have a guest! And unfortunately she just came down with a fever so she's sleeping in my room." I harshly whispered in his ear.
"Your girlfriend?" He asked
"No.. There's a can of soup on the table for you. So uh. Shut up Hansel!" I slightly pushed him away towards the kitchen, he smirked happily.
"Ok ok I'll leave you and your girlfriend alone."
"She's not my girlfriend." I mumbled.
I went back inside my room and turned on my laptop I made sure it was silent.
About two hours passed, it was just about dinner time. I went to the kitchen and started cooking, before I did that I changed towel on Dillons forehead. She's lucky it's Friday, she's gonna have to stay the night. I sat on the table across from Hansel he eyed me with a goofy look.
"What?" I asked
"Your making some soup." He stated looking at the stove.
"Is that for your girlfriend?"
"Her names Dillon... And she.. Isn't my girlfriend" I whined.
"Heh. Well thanks for the dinner Sis." He smiled, got up and disappeared in his bedroom, probably to play mine craft. After the soup was done and a little cooled I put it on a tray along with a glass of water, and headed upstairs to find Dillon drowsily awake.
"She has awakened." I joked, and put the tray on the bedside drawer next to her.
"Mmn.. Where am I?" She asked confused, her voice sounded pretty sexy.
" your in my room, you have a fever, and you should eat now." I pointed at the soup and she slowly blinked at it.
Then she realized where she was and abruptly stood up. Bad idea.
"Ow." She touched the side of her head.
"You shouldn't have gotten up so quickly, now.." I held a spoon of the soup towards her.
"I-i can eat myself..." She stuttered her face bright red. I laughed.
"It's fine. Say ah." I smiled. She reluctantly opened her mouth slightly and I spoon fed her. That's really cute.
"You should call your parents, they must be worried, plus you can't go out there in this rain, especially with a fever like this. Stay the night?" I said.
"O-oh! Yeah. I'll text them." She looked at me first, and scanned my face.
"W-what?" I asked.
"You finally smiled at me.." She mumbled.
I blushed. Then quickly she grabbed her cellphone and texted her mom. A couple minutes later she smiled.
"So you can stay?" I asked
"Yeah." She replied.
It was getting kind of late, I laid out a futon for me to sleep on, but she spoke out to me.
"C-can I sleep with you?... Actually no.. You might catch my cold.." She looked down at my sheets disappointedly. It made my heart tingle.
"Ok." I said.
She looked up confused.
"I'll sleep with you." She stared wide eyed at me, then panicked.
"Wait wait! You might get sick!" She pushed.
"That's alright." I said throwing another pillow next to her so I can sleep. Then I crawled into the sheets with her, her body heat kept me warm, she was hot. I turned off the lamp and I faced her body. I can tell she was staring at me, she wrapped her arms around my waist, and pulled me closer, her nose to my collarbone.
"I like you." She whispered.
"I know. I like you too.." I replied and I kissed her forehead and we fell asleep.
End of oneshot
Hope you liked this quick oneshot, I have a fever today, I'm not feeling so well and what else to do then sleep and write a story right? Well if you did like..
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