Anonymous pt 1

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"Desperate? I'm not desperate Allison." I snapped.

Allison raised an eyebrow curiously, and stared hard into my cellphone in hand. Her sharp hazel splashed eyes focused on who I was texting.

"Who are you texting then?" She asked, then fixing her gaze towards me.

"just some girl." I said, trying to make it seem that it was nothing, but it wasn't nothing. Allison is my best friend, and she knows i'm gay as hell, but when you're living in a southern state, it's hard to find a girl to connect with at a more than platonic level. I leaned against a stone pillar next to the bench we were sitting at.

"just some girl. Yeah Nat. Who is she though? you've been on your phone all the time for the past two weeks! You think I don't notice?"

I know what you might be thinking, 'ooo she jelly!' actually no. She's just looking out for me, the thing is though, the girl I've been texting, we've shared some uh pictures but we've yet to learn each others names. But hey, Allison doesn't control my life.

"Ok, ok. Uh, yeah. I've been texting this girl, but look she's really hot though, like fuck!" I scrolled up through our texts to reveal a girl about the same age as me, her flannel loosely fitted around her torso, deep brown hair that waved down to her shoulders, compared to my straight blonde hair. Her eyes were an amber brown and as clear as a crystal, if i'm describing it, she is fucking eye candy. Allison peered into the picture and cringed and smirked at the same time, it was weird.

"She definitely has looks, but she looks like a slut." I wasn't taken aback by her comment because it was true. Looks can be deceiving. What can I say though, I'm a horny lesbian teen in Texas, and its dry as hell out here. "Whats her name anyway?" She tried to scroll down to read the texts, but I pulled my phone away from her so fast that I think I ripped space. I hesitated for a second, coming up for a name.

"Holy shit, Natalie you don't know her name?" She playfully gasps. I glared at her, then rolled my eyes. "I don't know her name." I said flatly. She looked at me disapprovingly however, and was about to say something but the bell rang. I didn't much care about my classes, but Allison did, she's a straight A student.

"We're gonna talk about this later." She gathered her stuff, gave me a quick hug, but I squeezed her for an extra second and whispered in her ear,"of course m'lady." She smirked and pulled away. Yeah right, I know what she's gonna do she's gonna spend some alone time with her boyfriend. I used to get annoyed by how much they've been hanging out, but not as much now because of this girl I've been texting, lets call her Anonymous. I felt like skipping class today, I hate history anyways. Since I was already outside, I walked to the student parking lot, DING, I got a notification, and peaked at my phone. It was from anonymous. I got into the back seat of my car because it's not like i'm going anywhere other than my next class next period so eh. I unlocked my phone and smirked.

Anonymous: Hey sexy ;) how are ya today.

Nat17: Not much, skippin' class, I'm in my car lol

Anonymous: me too lol, school is boring asf rn

I thought about my conversation with Allison earlier, and leaned against the padded passenger seat in the car.

Nat17: Hey, I never got ur name. What is it?


and then stops for a bit. I can see her type again.

Anonymous: You live near where I live, wanna meet up rn?

I felt a cold shiver run down my back. I forgot I told her the town and state I was living in. I didn't think she'd be so close, however I ignored it because, fuck, this could be my moment.

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