Little Conversation

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I sat against a brick wall and exhaled a warm breath into my ice cold hands. Why did I pick such a time to run away from home? Ugh. Worst timing ever. People walked passed me holding gifts and bags, each person wearing a warm coat or jacket and I sat on the sidewalk with a thin sweater freezing my ass off.
My held my cellphone, of in which I turned off.
The sky was dark, and the street's light scenery twinkled my eyes.
"Are you ok?" I heard a woman's voice asked. I looked up to see her standing near, with a worried gaze, her eyes were Icy blue, which made me even more colder, and her hair was a dark oak color.
"I-i'm fine, leave m-me alone lady." I said, slightly shivering to the cold. She crossed her arms with a displeased expression and I scoffed at the action.
"Please lady, I'm just havin' a bad day, I just wanna be alone." I sighed.
What's worser than running away in the cold?
Running away in the cold with this concerned damsel.
"Why don't you come with me to my apartment? I can cook you up something to eat, and you can sleep for the night." She smiled softly, then extended her hand.
I thought about it, my parents taught me to never trust a stranger. Then again, those same parents abused my ass with a belt.
"Sure." I said through gritted teeth. I couldn't feel my hands, as I got up on my own. I didn't even take her hand, I just hopped up and clung to my sweater. She frowned slightly then sighed.
"Follow me then... What's your name?"
"Call me Kay."
"Alright, how old are you Kay?"
"Not telling, definitely younger than you lady." I chuckled. Watching face seep in more rouge.
"If I were to say how old you are, probably 16-17?"
"Sure lady. Whatever floats your boat." I grinned, as we walked.
"Ok what about you? What's your name? How old are you? And why are you suddenly helping me?"
She looked up as the sky greyed some more.
"My names Salle. I'm 23 years old. I'm helping you cause you looked cold." She smiled.
Twenty three? That's close to my age. Kinda.
"You like books Kay?"
I knitted my eyebrows.
"What kind of question is that?" I laughed.
"I guess so, but it's not much of my thing."
"Then what is your thing?"
"I don't know, beats me. I'm just a potato."
"Yep, you?"
"I love books." She said before we both stopped to cross the street.
"Do you think it'll snow? " I asked
"Yeah, the forecast says so."
The walk light turned green and we both started walking across.
"What?" She asked.
"Do you have a boyfriend?" She turned to around to look at me weirdly then carried on walking.
"No..." She said. "And never will."
"What's does that mean?" I inquired.
"You gay?" I laughed,
"Not that it's bad though."
"Why don't you answer some of my questions Kay?" She smirked.
"How cold are you?"
I clenched my hands and rubbed them, but no warmth came.
"Stop for a sec, and lemme see your hand." I smiled. She turned around and  we stood facing each other. She extended her palm toward me and I clasped my hands against her warm touch, it gave a pleasant burning sensation against my skin, and she yelped cutely in unison.
"Woah! Your hands are freezing!" She quickly separated her fingers from mine and blushed.
"Well you did asked me how cold I was..." I grinned. She pierced me with a strong stare.
"We're almost there..." She said, and I started to walk again, with me following behind like a lost puppy.
"Why were you on the street like that?" She questioned.
Little bits of white calmly fell from the clouds, i watched the lights from the city sparkle in this beautiful winter night.
"I ran away.." I mumbled, slowly massaging my right arm.
We passed by a couple, a baby in their arms. I smiled softly.
"To have a better life."
I can feel her nod somehow.
"We're here." She said as we climbed a couple of steps to unlock the door. I looked at the ground, feeling a bit guilty for going into her home like this.
"Come in" she smiled opening the door.
I stared into her eyes, feeling a warmth rush into my chest.
"Thanks Salle." I smiled. Feeling my ears redden against my thin sweater.
It's not much,and it isn't so sexual. This is like the firsts of falling in love~
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