The Crowning

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Getting to the pack house became a bit of a hassle, saying as there were different types and shapes of cars littered everywhere. I think the Moon goddess was on our side for once, making us find a parking after fifteen bloody minutes. Entering the ceremonial grounds of the pack house, all I could think was "wow". The field was grand with packs from all over the world gathered together to celebrate the crowning of an Alpha.


Existing the grounds into the pack house would have been easy if Shemara hadn't had so many friends and family. After exactly an hour of Shemara's chit chat, we made our way into the "Queen's Lare" as she likes to call her room.


There was banging on the door, making my way to the door seemed unnecessary when a chirpy voice spoke loud enough behind the door for us to hear.
"Shema hunny, time for you to make an entrance"
"Alright mum, be there in 10 minutes" Shemara spoke up. Hearing her mum's footstep retreat from the door, she quickly turned to me like she just saw the devil.

"How do I look? I am so bloody nervous, can you tell I'm nervous? I can't be nervous. I have to appear bold. Oh goddess what am I going to do? I can jump out window? No, people will see and drag me back in" moving to me, she catches my shoulder shaking me "No no no no. Help me you bloody twinky dog" she rushes out.

"Excuse me hoe bag, who the hell are you calling a 'twinky dog'? I'll have you know I am sexy as fuck. Psh please, you wish you were my awesome and brilliant self. I definitely take offence, next time there is an ice cream truck you buy it yourself, no more me acting like your six years old brother to get you free ice cream ugh. And snap out of it, you look sexy and I probably would shag you if I weren't gay or saw you as a sister!" I scream at her then drag her down the stairs with her protesting about her new expensive heels. Please, like I care, can you believe that big baby.


"Ladies and gentlemen, pups and elders; we are gathered here tonight on this occasion in celebration of my daughter finding her mate and my retirement as the Alpha of this pack -the Grey Moon Pack- and giving Shemara the privilege to take her rightful place as Alpha of this pack. Without any further talk let's begin the ceremony." Announced Alpha Johnson.

Both John and Shemara were introduced to the crowd, with John being introduced as Shemara's mate. John took his seat with Alpha Johnson getting up to stand in front of his daughter.

With their side facing the crowd, a promise was laid by Alpha Johnson with Shemara repeating after him.

"I Shemara Taelor Johnson, promise to protect, love and care for this pack with all my heart. I promise to never leave my pack behind even when all hope and faith is lost. I promise to treat everyone including the Omegas as equal at all cost. And I promise to honor and trust my mate as well as my pack dearly. I promise to lead in a peaceful, acceptable and understanding way and never go against the lycan and fellow supernatural rules involving werewolves unless needed be. And I hope my pack bares with me and are there to help me back up whenever I fall or lose my way. And with this promise I shall lead with by my might and power. I make this promise in front of and to you and the Moon goddess."

With that Shemara was crowned Alpha of the Grey Moon Pack. With a loud howl released after shifting, all heads bowed as they parted way in the middle for Shemara to pass with her mate by her side and her family behind along with her third in command and the Omegas all in wolf form. And then the after party began.

There you go readers, as promised... So vote... Comment...share.

All the love,

Aleksandr "SASHA" Dema Where stories live. Discover now