10: "her body"

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POV: Izz

"Her body.... Found in the woods.... Covered in bruises.... Cuts.... Never to be scars.... Pale.... Alone.... Rotting..... DEAD" I only got bits and pieces of what the man said. I felt nothing as he explained, only a slight touch of sympathy as he laid a hand on my shoulder before leaving. But I don't need his sympathy, I need Rosie. It's funny how they said she was "dead". As if it where true. I know it isn't, I know she isn't. Do you know why? It's because I'm alive. 

Mother said later on that night that it was okay. It was okay to cry, to "let it all out" was what she whispered. Whispered in my ear as she held me close. Close enough to feel my heart beating against her elderly ribs. I didn't reply to her, on looked through her.

That night I went to bed feeling... numb. Not sad. Not angry. I just felt numb. Numb like a cold day, numb like a drug, numb as I fell asleep into a dreamless nightmare.

AN: Sorry I haven't updated in FOREVER! I've just been so busy with school but another update will be coming soon... Just after I meet Tyler Oakley this weekend....

And with that I will leave you with questions in your head!


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