Chapter 4.

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Sitting in the compartment I was directed to by Pillie, I think of a game plan. Now I'm not one of the careers who finds it fun to kill, but if I have to, when it is necessary I will. In an arena with 49 other tributes odds are I won't have to kill many people. Although the odds haven't really been in my favour recently. I reach for the fancy, Capitol made, lamp from my bedside table. Violently, I chuck it at the wall, where it nearly smashed the mirror. Shoving my head in my pillow, I silently begin to cry. I cry until I can cry no more, and then I become angry. Angry at the Capitol once again. Looking into the mirror I desperately try to grasp something, anything that could help me in the arena. A strategy that I've seen from previous games, maybe, but the last time someone from district 12 won, I wasn't even born, so I don't know what to do. I know what Bertha said, to just try to survive. But I don't want just that. I wanna show the Capitol that I'm not just a piece in their games. After what feels like hours, and a few broken lamps, I finally think of something. A way for me to show the Capitol what I think of them, but also maybe a strategy no one else has ever used.
Slipping and sliding, I run down the hallways on the train. It is moving so fast, I can't even feel a thing. Judging from how light it is outside, I would say it is morning. I head for the breakfast cart, and crash through the door. Daisy Harper sits at the table crying with Maysilee Donner hugging her. It takes a while for me to take in my surroundings. Everything is decorated with gold and silver, and the tablecloth is made of fine, high quality lace. I can't believe the Capitol had all of this whilst people were starving in twelve.Pillie is touching up her makeup in the corner, and frequently throwing disdainful looks towards the crying girls.
"Shhh it's ok," coos Maysilee as I sit down. I take some toast and begin to butter it, slowly. Daisy begins to get quieter, and Pillie stands up.
"Thank god that brat finally shut up!" She shrieks and begins to cackle manically.
"Shut up!" I shout louder than I meant to. I bring my hand down on the desk and send knives and forks flying. Pillie looks from the girls to me and sighs.
"Listen here, you skanky little cows, if you misbehave, or cry or whinge in front of President Snow, he will do things to you that will make you wish you were dead!" She spits, saliva spraying everywhere.
"I am just warning you! Don't do anything stupid or my head will be on the line!" And with that she struts out of the door. I hear the sound of papers being crinkled and flattened down and turn around quickly. As I turn I grab a knife and hold it out to the sound.
"Jesus Christ boy, you nearly gave me a heart attack!" Exclaims a small women, who I didn't know was there until just now.
"Sorry," I say placing the knife down.
"It's ok don't worry, in fact it's good your alert," she tells me. She looks around 40 and has brown hair, with streaks of grey in it. I see how her eyes sparkle, even though they are Seam grey. And they don't sparkle with a dangerous glint like mine do on the recording of the reaping, but with a friendly one. She must be district 12's previous victor, I think to myself. I reach out my hand and the lady shrugs it off.
"I'm not into all that formal stuff. Just call me Fae." She says. I snicker.
"Like as in a fairy," I say.
" I may look like a princess to you boy, but let me remind you I won my games by blowing up five tributes - well technically 6," she looks uncomfortably around and continued half heartedly after a few minutes, with a slight quiver to her voice
"well they were careers, oh anyway don't underestimate me," she says, half joking, half deadly serious. I gulp loudly and nod. She begins to laugh. A deep throaty, laugh and looks me up and down.
"So I'm guessing you want something, seeing as you don't look like the sort who sits around eating mini sandwiches?"
"I was wondering, what is around the outside of the arena?"
"The what?" She asks.
"The outside of the arena, I mean there has to be something, it can't go on forever."
" Well I don't know boy, in 50 years no one has really found out." She tells me, looking at me curiously.
"Hhm," I say. "Thankyou, I should be getting back to my room, but thank you," I nod goodbye and stroll out. So none has ever tried it, I think walking back to my room. There is always time for a first. I laugh to myself, and am suddenly hit with how much I miss district 12. The scent of freshly baked bread on my way home from school, the summer sunshine, all of it makes me miss it a lot. I past Michaels room and poke my head in.
"Michael, are you alright?" I ask. It's not like I wanna be best friends with the guy, but he didn't seem too sturdy at the reaping. He doesn't answer so I look around the room. That's when I notice the curtain missing, but I assume it's nothing. Calmly, I walk back to my room and collapse in a heap on my bed, and quickly fall asleep. I dream of the reaping. As I walk to the stage, I can hear my mother wailing, shouting my name. Soon I am woken up however by the sheer volume of one thing. A scream. One of the loudest and most terrifying screams I have ever heard.
Swiftly, I jump out of bed and pull on a robe. Rubbing my eyes, and yawning I make my way to the screaming, all the time being alert and ready for an attack. After ten minutes I finally find the source of the noise. As I walk into Michael's room I can also hear crying, but I don't turn back. The first thing I see is Pillie talking to someone who looks like they are from the Capitol, in low urgent whispers, then I see Maysilee, as white as a sheet of paper, screaming her head off and Daisy, shaking and crying, tears luring down her face. I ask what's going on and she just glances into the bathroom. Silently, I move over to investigate, and at first see nothing, but then I look into the bathtub, and that is when I see Michael suspended from the shower rail, the missing curtain tied around his neck, his body still and lifeless.
   - Hey guys I will be posting next part not tomorrow but the next day.
-please take the time to check out my other book, called my chemical murder. It is an original story by me and I hope you like it.

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