Chapter 5

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Slowly I turn around and throw up in the toilet. Nothing much comes up as I can't remember the last meal I ate. It burns my throat and I can hear the Capitol Official outside retching. Mindful of the body, I wash my hands in the sink and step outside the bathroom, shutting the door as I go.
"What do you suggest we do?" Asks Pillie, breaking the near silence.
"I have been in contact with the President and he says the only thing to do is say to the crowds that he died from an illness.
"But then their will only be 47 tributes?" Pillie questions.
" They found someone hunting outside the borders of District 12, their on a different train. They will take Michaels place." Pillie lets out a sigh of relief and the Capitol official, who reminds me of a tomato, with his abnormally coloured hair and flushed faces, silently walks out.
"Go on everyone back to bed!" Pillie trills, excitedly. I wonder what on earth is going on in that women's brain, when she says something else.
"Haymitch could you stay here for a moment?" I don't answer, but I sit on the bed, quietly.
"Fae told me what you asked her," she says, like she knows everything in the world. I begin to talk but she cuts me off.
"Now I won't tell President Snow about it, but you better make sure you play by the rules in the arena." She warns me and with that she walks out of the room, ordering an avox to remove Michael's body. I am about to offer to help, when I feel sick again. After throwing up in my toilet as well, i lie on the bed again. Secretly, I smile to myself and feel happy, which I haven't felt in so long. She's not going to tell him. He's just going to be sitting their watching the games, relaxing, and then I will outsmart him. I imagine him, dumbfounded and speechless. Then I remember what I just witnessed and shut my mouth, and the room turns silent. Would he still be dead if I had gone in his room? If I had just shown more concern? Shoving my pillow around my head to block out the very faint crying noise, I close my eyes. I must fall asleep, for the next time I hear Pillie's voice it is morning, and she is rapping on our doors furiously.
"Time to get up, you have a big, big day ahead of you!" She shouts. I groan and change into a shirt and jeans. As I walk into the breakfast cart, I gasp. Not at the actual cart itself, but at the view outside the window.
It looks like paradise, is my first thought but then I realise where we are, the Capitol. Tall, milky white, marble buildings pierce the sky, and the Presidents mansion stands, old and sturdy, in the middle of a colourful and beautiful city. The colours used on the sides of the buildings are so bright they blind my eyes. The sun beats down on the towering mountains that are behind the city. Someone at school told me they are called the Rocky Mountains. They are capped with white snow, that looks like icing sugar, lightly dusted. I realise now that we are slowing and pulling into a station.
"You're gonna wanna wave to the crowds if you want sponsors." Fae murmurs quietly to us. Maysilee and Daisy both stand up and begin to wave leaving one space for me. I'm about to run and wave like them when I remember my strategy. I'm as sly as a fox. And as mysterious as the other side of the moon. I walk over to the window, and look out of it, and pretend I don't see the massive crowds frantically waving at us. I put on a face that i mostly use in school to show the teachers I don't care, but at the moment I am using it to show the Capitol that I don't care about sponsors, or what other people think. I hear someone scream my name and see a young girl, in the most bizarre dress I've ever seen, staring at me in awe. I fix her with a stern glare and don't smile. I am unforgiving. Just like the Capitol. The girl stops running alongside the train, and gives me a curious, almost scared look. I smirk to myself and realise that yes, I could get used to this.
-just a short chapter. I will upload again tomorrow.
-please take the time to check out the new part of my other story I have just uploaded :)

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 02, 2015 ⏰

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